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Five More Minutes

by bubbles150


A female Faerie Draik wearing a Glittery Negg Accessory Wig, Illusen Umbrella Cut Dress, Evening Draik Shoes and holding an Autumn Guitar smiled as she flew towards the Money Tree in Neopia Central. With her was a Royal Girl Xweetok wearing a Galaxy Hair with Flower Accessory, Seaside Sundress and Gold Glitter Shoes. She was carrying a Drum Kit and Drumsticks and was following the Draik, also with them was an Unconverted Baby Kougra carrying a Candy Cane Harp, a female Baby Xweetok wearing a Shenkuu Lunar Festival Baby Dress and a Baby Spring Wig, who was carrying a pair of Bruce Maracas and finally a male Pirate Xweetok wearing an Urban Xweetok Wig, Urban Xweetok Trousers, Urban Xweetok Jacket, Urban Xweetok Shoes, Urban Xweetok Scarf and Victorian Xweetok Gloves who was holding a Faerie Accordion he too was following the Draik. The five friends were members of a new band in Neopia, their Petpets and Petpetpets had stayed home with friends while they practiced their music.

     “I just realized I forgot my Xweetok Popstar Microphone” the Royal Girl Xweetok said after they arrived at the Money Tree.

     “That’s fine, Mayleigha. We're just practicing today. I think we’re almost ready to start advertising our band but what should we call it?” The Draik said as she took her spot near the Money Tree. Mayleigha, the Royal Girl Xweetok smiled.

     “How about The Newbies? Since we’re new to this” Mayleigha suggested, earning a laugh from the Pirate Xweetok.

     “I like it but I feel like we should have something more exciting asour band’s name” the Draik said as she began to play her Autumn Guitar. The Pirate Xweetok looked at her in surprise. He didn’t expect the Draik to like that name. Mayleigha put her Drum Kit on the ground in front of her and started tapping her Drumsticks on it.

     “Five Friends?” The Pirate Xweetok suggested.

     “I know it’s the five of us, but, I feel that name isn’t right, Twumbo” the Draik answered.

     Just then, a Royal Girl Uni came walking up to the five friends in great excitement. “Are you a new band?” She asked.

     “Yes” the Draik said.

     “AH! I love bands. What are you called and when will you start playing?” the Uni asked.

     “As for our name, I’m unsure but when we’ll start, could you please give us five more minutes?” the baby Xweetok answered smiling to the excited Uni.

     “Sure, I’ll go and gather my friends, be right back” the Uni said then galloped off excitedly.

     “Charismee!” the Draik exclaimed in surprise, everyone else looked at her.

     “Yes?” Charismee asked.

     “I love it!” the Draik said excitedly as she looked at the confused baby Xweetok.

     “Love what?” Charismee wondered, curious to know what the Draik was talking about. The other three Neopets looked at the Draik and Charismee.

     “Think about the last three words you said, that will be the name of our band” the Draik said.

     “All I said was…. Oh! Five More Minutes? I wasn’t even thinking of our band name to be honest” Charismee said in surprise.

     “Even if you weren’t, Charismee, you’re a genius! Jossee, Mayleigha, Charismee, Twumbo and Oira all are a part of the Five More Minutes band” the Draik exclaimed.

     Oira clapped his paws together. “I agree with Jossee. I really love that name, Charismee, even if you weren’t thinking of names for our band” he said excitedly.

     Charismee smiled.

     “Five More Minutes it is!” Mayleigha and Twumbo also agreed with the name.

     “Alright, let’s start practicing until Neopets, Petpets and Petpetpets start coming” Jossee, the Draik said smiling to Charismee.

     “The question is now, how do we sing the lyrics?” Mayleigha asked.

     “We can still sing them together, even if we don’t have the Xweetok Popstar Microphone with us” Jossee answered. “Are we ready?”

     The five Neopets got into their position.

     Mayleigha started hitting the Drum Kit with her Drumsticks, Jossee joined in after a few minutes with her guitar, followed by Twumbo playing his Faerie Accordion, Oira started playing his Candy Cane Harp and finally, Charismee joined in shaking her Bruce Maracas.

     The five Neopets began to sing together, dancing as they did. The Royal Girl Uni that was there earlier returned with at least thirty friends, and joined in the dance. The band played for five minutes and stopped when they came to the end of their song.

     “Wow, that was incredible, have you got any more songs?” The Royal Girl Uni commented as her friends cheered on the band.

     “We have a couple others that we’re working on” Mayleigha answered with a smile.

     “Could we please hear them?” The Royal Girl Uni asked eagerly, her friends all nodded. They wanted to listen too.

     “Sure, let’s try the second song. Do you remember it?” Jossee said.

     “You mean The Meepit Dance? The first one I think we should call it the same name as our band” Oira said.

     “Yes, The Meepit Dance is the one and I agree, that’s a great idea, Oira. Are we all ready? A one, a two, a three!” Jossee said then one by one each Neopet of the band began to play their instruments.

     “Someone’s out of tune” Twumbo said after a while of playing. That someone was Mayleigha, she stopped for a moment to watch a Faerie Cybunny fly over too the Royal Girl Uni.

     Mayleigha started playing her Drum Kit again.

     “Are they? I still like it” The Royal Girl Uni commented, smiling as she danced with her friends.

      “Something doesn’t seem right about this song” Twumbo said.

     “He’s right you know” Oira nodded in agreement. “The Meepit Dance should be catchier, which would make others want to dance and sing too” he said.

     “Let’s try it again” Jossee said. The band stopped playing and started playing again from the beginning. This time the song was better.

     “Wow, that song was amazing” The Faerie Cybunny commented smiling. “I’m going to go and fetch my friends” they said then flew off.

     “We have one more song to play but it’s still in the works. We’ll play it now. Ready? One… two…. Three!” Jossee announced and at once, one by one each Neopet in the band began playing their instruments once again, singing too. The Faerie Cybunny returned with several friends and cheered the band on.

     “When will you be here next?” The Faerie Cybunny asked eager to listen to more once the final song was finished.

     “We hope to come twice a week when we’ve mastered these songs” Jossee told the Cybunny.

     “Do you know what days?” The Royal Girl Uni asked.

     “We’re thinking the weekends, then the other days we’ll share our music in other places” Jossee answered.

     “AH! Are you able to let us know what other places?” The Faerie Cybunny asked excitedly.

     “We hope to go to other places in Neopia like Faerieland, Mystery Island and so on” Mayleigha answered smiling.

     “Ooh! I have friends that live in Faerieland! I’ll go and tell them about it. I’m so looking forward to seeing your flyers around and good luck with your band,” the Faerie Cybunny said then flew off with their friends.

     “I’m going to tell more of my friends about you too,” the Royal Girl Uni said then galloped off with her other friends.

     “This is so exciting! How many flyers should we make?” Charismee asked.

     “We’ll make a hundred for a start. We’d need to buy at least forty Roll of Drawing Papers, five pairs of Silver Scissors, five Drawing Pencils, five Deluxe Set of Colouring Pencils, five Babaa Pencil Sharpeners, five Masking Tapes and finally five Kiko Match Erasers. We’ll go to our Neolodge rooms now and put our instruments back then get things ready for the flyers” Jossee said. The band split up to put their instruments back and met at Jossee’s Neolodge Room with their Petpets and Petpetpet.

     While the others were away, Jossee bought all the items they needed from the Super Shop Wizard and a few snacks and drinks. Excited, the group sat together on the floor in Jossee’s room. Jossee unrolled one of the Roll of Drawing Paper and cut it to the size she figured would be great for the poster.

     “What would our poster look like?” Charismee asked.

     “I think it should have Five More Minutes at the top in capital letters, and our names at the bottom, where it will be held, what date and time. I’d draw a picture of us posing with our instruments but I’m not the best with drawing” Jossee said.

     “I can draw. I’ll draw us” Mayleigha said, Jossee passed the paper, Drawing Pencil and Deluxe Set of Colouring Pencils to her. “I’ll draw if you all colour,” she said smiling to them.

     “I’ll help out,” Charismee said. “I love drawing”

     Jossee cut out several more pieces of paper for them to work on the flyers. “I think we’ll start locally first then as we grow bigger, we’ll put our posters up in other places” she said.

     It took the group a few hours to do a hundred posters. Mayleigha taught Jossee, Oira and Twumbo how to draw too.

     “Whew, that’s done. Should we put up the posters now or wait until tomorrow since it’s getting dark” Jossee asked.

     “I think we’ll put them up tomorrow” Oira said. Twumbo pilled the posters on top of one another and put everything else away that they used. He kept the Masking Tape and Silver Scissors out.

     “Tomorrow sounds good to me. I’m going to go home now, Jossee, will see you tomorrow” Mayleigha said and left with her Petpet. The others soon left too.

     The next day, the five met at Jossee’s after breakfast. Jossee had the flyers, Masking Tapes and five Silver Scissors ready. “Morning everyone!” Jossee said excitedly.

     “Morning Jossee. Hm, where should we head to first to put up our flyers? I hope we have enough Masking Tape” Twumbo said.

     “I think we should go to Neopia Central first and put our flyers up there” Charismee suggested.

     Oira nodded. “I agree, Charismee” he said.

     The five Neopets made their way to Neopia Central, Jossee handed twenty flyers each to Oira, Twumbo, Mayleigha and Charismee, she kept twenty for herself too. She gave each Neopet Masking Tape and a pair of Silver Scissors.

     “We’ll meet at the Neolodge when we’ve put up our flyers and have lunch there” Jossee said. The Neopets then split up to put up their flyers which took a while to do. Once they finished, they met outside the Neolodge.

     The Five Neopets made their way into the Neolodge’s restaurant for lunch.

     “There they are!” the royal Girl Uni exclaimed as the five walked into the restaurant’s door. “They’re the band I was telling everyone about!” she added in great excitement.

     Jossee looked at the Neopets in the restaurant who at once began cheering for them. “Do you have your instruments with you today?” the Royal Girl Uni asked.

     “No, not today, we’ll be playing again soon, we just put up the flyers,” Charismee told her.

     “We’ll keep an eye out on them,” The Royal Girl Uni said then went back to her table.

     A week later, the band met up at the Money Tree with their instruments and saw a large crowd. “There must be a hundred Neopets there” Oira commented excitedly.

     “That’s good! The more Neopets know about us, the better” Jossee said as the five got ready to play.

     Mayleigha introduced the band to the crowd, using the Xweetok Popstar Microphone, she remembered to bring it with them. When the band were ready, they began playing their songs, one at the time, the crowd loved it.

     Soon, the band got to play around other places in Neopia and came up with more music to play and songs to sing. Many Neopets asked for their autographs after the performance much to their delight. Several weeks later, the band became the most talked about in Neopia.

     “Who knew we’d become so famous?” Charismee said to Oira after the band packed up after another successful day.

     “I honestly never expected us to be famous but it is great hearing Neopets calling our names,” Twumbo said.

     “I didn’t expect to be this famous but love it. I usually look for spooky places, but can only do that in my spare time now” Oira said, smiling. “That’s fine though, I’m enjoying being part of our band” he added.

     “Being famous had always been a dream of mine, but I never expected for us to be that now. I’m so thankful for all the work that everyone had put in. I can’t wait to go all over Neopia with our band” Jossee said.

     “I’m looking forward to that too, Jossee” Mayleigha said imagining them sailing on a ship heading towards Mystery Island while playing their music onboard.

      The End.

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