Now with 50% more useless text Circulation: 196,565,798 Issue: 926 | 29th day of Sleeping, Y23
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This Play Went off Without a Hitch

Welcome to a behind-the-scenes look at Neopia’s newest play: The Fall, a dramatic retelling of the times before, during, and after Faerieland fell. As this play is presented by the illustrious Brightvale University, this special series of interviews will be conducted by Sally Mance, author for Brightvale University’s own “Golden Quill.” Follow her in and around the set as she speaks with the stars of the show, the props department, and some of the dedicated volunteers who make everything happen behind-the-scenes. The final series of interviews will be conducted with a combination of reviewers and members of the audience as they recount their profound experiences with the play.

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Review of Neobeth as Performed by the Meri Players
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