For an easier life Circulation: 196,565,798 Issue: 926 | 29th day of Sleeping, Y23
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6 Underrated NC Wearables for Performing Pets

by swordlilly


The vast majority of NC wearables are seasonal or restricted in some way, available only through participation in a special event or game. Because of their limited availability, you'll often see people "desperately seeking" these items, offering huge customs of 2000 NC or more. By contrast, "buyable" items - so called because they are always available in the mall - tend to get overlooked. This article will shed some light on 6 underrated items that are as beautiful as they are obtainable.

     1. Assorted Potted Plant Foreground


     Sold in the mall for just 150 NC, this row of potted plants is surprisingly versatile. It can fit in both urban and rural settings, indoors and outdoors, at night and in the daytime. Its muted pink, blue and brown palette is very easy on the eyes, allowing it to harmonize with many cool-coloured outfits.

     Here is an example of how it can work with high-end NC wearables to evoke a dreamy image of a girl playing music on the balcony:


     Base pet: Striped Blumaroo

     Other items used: Dyeworks Pink: Dazzling Midnight Wig, Robertas Collectors Contacts, Rosy Cheeks Face Paint, Colourful Blossom Gown, Mosaic Violin, Stunning Moon View Background

     And here's an example of how it can work with relatively ordinary items, to show an artist relaxing in her garden:


     Base pet: Desert Aisha

     Other items used: Powder Blue Hat and Wig, Dyeworks Pink: Armin Collectors Contacts, Paint Splashed Overalls, Rolled Sleeves Summer Shirt, Blue Shoes, Dirt Shovel, Spring Greenhouse Background

     2. Bubble Gum Wig


     This fluffy, neon-colored wig is available from the mall for 150 NC. Particularly vibrant when juxtaposed against black and white, it can give a burst of colour to a young urbanite's outfit:


     Base pet: Skunk Xweetok

     Other items used: Fyoras Eyeshadow, Flouncy Xweetok Lipstick, Xweetok Popstar Earrings, Easygoing Xweetok Scarf, Xweetok Popstar Dress, Space Gypsy Xweetok Gloves, Xweetok Popstar Microphone, Faerieland Mansion Background, Shining Spotlight, Special Event Foreground

     It can also be used in much more wildly imaginative customisations, like this one:


     Base pet: Wraith Ixi

     Other items used: Possessed Eyes, Candy Face Paint, Slothy Smile, Dyeworks Red: Nightmare Bristle Cape, Wraith Staff, Wraith Wings, Wraith Fog, Flames, Wraith Ink Frame, Nightmare Cloud Castle Background

     Who would've known that a bubbly pink wig could be the stuff of nightmares?

     3. Golden Altador Boots


     This sparkly pair of boots is priced at 100 NC in the mall. Its glossy texture and unusual colour make it a whimsical costume piece.

     A magician could definitely use these boots as part of his red-and-gold ensemble:


     Base pet: Gold Bruce

     Other items used: Neovian Top Hat and Wig, Angry Meepit Eyes, Burgundy Lipstick, Bruce Noil Tamer Jacket, Bruce Noil Tamer Trousers, Magic Sparkle Wand, Constellation Map, Grand Entrance Curtains, Off the Beaten Path, Arch of Roses

     And so could a king in a play!


     Base pet: Darigan Quiggle

     Other items used: Crown of Splendour, Dual Personality Makeup, Gold Neopets Star Chain Necklace, Plush Red Velvet Tunic, Plush Red Velvet Trousers, Coltzans Collectors Staff, King of Neopia Background, Darigan Citadel Altador Cup Team Spirit Banners

     4. Dark Wisp Makeup


     Available in the mall for 150 NC, this dramatic purple makeup can add flair to almost any gothic get-up. This fortune-telling mystic wouldn't look half as mystical without those wings around her eyes:


     Base pet: Desert Peophin

     Other items used: Peophin Laureate Scarf & Wig, Dark Magic Dress, Extravagant Peophin Trousers, Time Traveller Peophin Boots, Black Lace-Up Gloves, Lavender Chandelier Earrings, Boho Necklace, Dueling Decks Hand of Cards, Halloween Haunted Curtains, Wire Dream Catcher Chandelier, Haunted Faire Background

     The makeup adds just the right amount of glitter to this spooky costume as well:


     Base pet: Darigan Gelert

     Other items used: Gothic Cherub Wings, Gothic Get Up, Gothic Flower Skirt, Gothic Lace Bouquet, Gothic Snowbunny Handheld Plushie, Gothic Holiday Tree, Dyeworks Blue: Pop-Up Gothic Holiday Card Background, Gothic Damask Candelabra, Gothic Holiday Chandelier

     5. Sun Shower


     If you only had 50 NC to your name, Sun Shower would be the thing to buy. Probably the most versatile NC item in existence, it can add depth to a wide variety of customisations. While it is most commonly associated with beaches, fields and the sunny outdoors, it can also work as lighting in more theatrical settings.

     This rock star looks twice as glamorous as he otherwise would because of the light pouring down on his face:


     Base pet: Red Vandagyre

     Other items used: Vandagyre Rock Star Wig, Chic Sunglasses, Electro Top, Gold Sequined Jacket, Vandagyre Rock Star Pants, Christmas Vandagyre Boots, Vandagyre Rock Star Guitar, Grundo Admirers Foreground, Tyrannian Concert Hall Background

     Even a relatively dark play can use the Sun Shower for movement and expression:


     Base pet: Baby Pteri

     Other items used: Theatrical Split Mask, Baby Tuxedo, Golden Petals Foreground, Broiling Fire Foreground, Phantom of the Background

     6. Rustic Outdoor Theatre Background


     Priced at a comfortable 200 NC, this open-air theatre is the perfect place for outdoor performances. The classical pillars form an ideal backdrop to traditional plays.

     Act One begins with a letter... this poor princess just wants the wind to cast it off:


     Base pet: Pastel Gelert

     Other items used: Princess Hat, Royal Princess Gown, Closed Eye Contacts, Tears of Caylis, Handwritten Letter, Flower Heart Necklace, Flower Arbor Garland, Faellie Flower Garland

     Musical performances can take advantage of the acoustics of the space as well:


     Base pet: White Flotsam

     Other items used: Colourful Band Leader Hat, Flotsam Band Leader Jacket, Flotsam Band Leader Trousers, Dyeworks Green: Holiday Light Contacts, Angelic Flotsam Golden Gloves, Flotsam Band Leader Trumpet, Flotsam Band Leader Shoes, Flotsam Band Leader Trumpet, Dyeworks Blue: Rainbow Petal Shower.

     Encore! Encore!

     We hope this feature article has given you some new ideas on how to prepare your pets for showtime. Not every costume piece needs to cost thousands of NC. The most common buyable items can imbue your customisations with personality, so don't hesitate to look in the obvious places for options to play with.

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