Sanity is forbidden Circulation: 196,672,041 Issue: 934 | 30th day of Eating, Y23
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Baby’s Adventures Issue #1

by pichi_e

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A Hero's Journey: Rivalry
Rohane has a run in with Duke Justin, one of King Skarl's most important scribes...

by precious_katuch14


The Four Cy-des of Cybunny
Happy Cybunny Carnival! Also by friends_rock2135

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Unraveling the Mystery of the Tombola Guy
Known only as the Tombola Guy, or sometimes the Tiki Tack Man, he is an enigma...

by bouncyhanyou


The Great Cybunny Theft
When I saw the book “The Great Cybunny Theft” and its description, I felt inspired to write my interpretation of what happened in the story!

by _brainchild_

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