teh 1337est n00zpaper Circulation: 196,834,801 Issue: 945 | 1st day of Collecting, Y23
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For the Love of the Game

by 77thbigby


Altador Cup III


      I had never been to the port city before. After two years, countless training hours and days of travel, I was finally here. I knew it would be busy and was used to that, being from Neopia Central. Though, I was just relishing the direct heat of the sun on my skin and the fresh salt breeze that enticed me to take flight. It invigorated me and I knew I had to release my pent-up energy or burst.

      “I made it!” I shot my fist in the air.

      Prytariel and Minae exchanged an amused look.

      “Yes, did you really think our ship wouldn’t arrive safely?” Minae teased.

      I shook my head. It wasn’t that but I couldn’t explain.

      Prytariel gave me a knowing look. “I remember how it felt to be here for the first time. It felt almost like a dream that first season.”

      Osielle nudged me. “Come on, rookie. We can’t stand around gawking all day.”

      I grinned sheepishly, shouldering my duffel bag before following after my teammates.

      We made our way from the docks to the Arena District via a wagon big enough to hold the entire team and our bags. I had never ridden in a wagon before and it was a bit of a bumpy ride, but I didn’t care. I watched the scenery roll by, eagerly scanning the horizon for my first glimpse of the city. Things got more interesting as we entered the city. Many ‘pets waved or cheered as we passed and while my teammates seemed to take this attention in stride, I soaked it up.

      We came to a stop in front of a large building.

      “This is where we’ll stay during the Cup,” Prytariel explained as we got out of the wagon.

      We entered the lobby of the building and my heart started to pound. Other teams were also checking in and I recognized the colours of players I had only ever heard about and seen in pictures. Now I was seeing them up close. I was almost overwhelmed but didn’t want to embarrass myself in front of so many professionals. I was one of them now and I needed to start acting like it.

      “I can’t believe I’m here!” I breathed.

      “Just wait until you face them in the field,” Prytariel said.

      We got our room numbers and keys and split up to locate our rooms.

      “Look, Elbin! You and I are across the hall from each other,” Minae said.

      I smiled, secretly relieved that I wouldn’t be split up completely from my teammates.

      “Elbin, you’ve got time to settle in but later this afternoon is the annual welcome celebration for the teams. It’s held in an outdoor garden in the Park District. Any cabbie will know the location, or you can head over with the rest of the team,” Prytariel said; she also was in the same section of the hotel.

      “I’ll probably head over with the team,” I said, unwilling to venture out on my own just yet. I didn’t want to risk the chance of getting lost, showing up late or missing the event altogether!

      “Then I’ll see you in a bit,” Prytariel said, heading farther down the hall to her room.

      I entered my room and unpacked. I felt restless, too keyed up to settle. I was also hungry so decided to check out the restaurant that was a part of the hotel. There were about a dozen others inside, so I took an empty seat at the bar. I chose an Altador Cheeseburger and an Altadorian Nectar for my meal.

      Just as I was digging into my meal, a big red Ixi took a seat beside me. Dressed in simple country garb, I still recognized him as Ilsa Ellits, the Meridellian defender. Meridell made the bold move of focusing on offence rather than defence, with three players used to score goals. That left the Ixi next to me as their sole defence. Though, with his size, it was no surprise.

      “I’ve not seen ye around before,” Ellits said.

      I almost choked on my burger as I realized he was talking to me. I hastily gulped my drink and regained my composure to respond. “My name is Elbin Kroe. I’m the newest member on Terror Mountain’s team.”

      Ellits grunted. “I heard about Phoss leaving the team. Speculation’s been goin’ about her replacement.”

      I had never met Phoss and hadn’t asked about her departure. I didn’t want to be distracted by my past expectations (or lack thereof). I wanted to focus on the present and doing my part.

      “You’re a little small for defence but so was she. Prytariel has an eye for fresh talent so I know there’s more to ye than meets the eye.”

      I felt a glimmer of pride. “There is.”

      “Welcome to the Cup, Kroe. May the best team win.” With that, Ellits left me to my meal.

      I lingered over my burger but once finished, I still had a few hours to kill. I decided to give in to my urge to fly. I desperately needed to stretch my wings. I left the hotel and took flight. I hovered for a moment, taking in the city sprawl below me.

      From this height, I could see the city’s distinctive districts, separated by the aqueducts. Beyond it all I saw the ocean and ships on the horizon. I watched the ebb and flow of the bustling city. I was soothed by the familiar scene. It was a far cry from the desolate mountain where I now lived.

      Time passed quickly now but my speed hadn’t diminished. I zipped back to the hotel and met Prytariel and Minae as they were walking out.

      “Elbin! We thought you’d changed your mind and left without us,” Minae said.

      I shook my head. “Nope! Just stretching my wings.”

      “What do you think so far?” Prytariel asked.

      “I like it here!”

      “It’s not home but there are worse places to spend time in.”

      I looked away. Terror Mountain did not feel like home. It was just the place I lived because I worked there. Don’t get me wrong. I love my teammates, I love Yooyuball but not the mountain.

      I already knew that leaving Altador was gonna be tough for me. Best to enjoy it while I could.

      We hailed a cab and it wasn’t long before we reached our destination.

      Prytariel placed a hand on my arm. “Remember, Elbin. This may be a social gathering but these ‘pets are our rivals. Be polite and even friendly but don’t talk about strategy or training. They won’t hesitate to exploit a rookie’s loose lips.”

      I gulped, suddenly nervous.

      Prytariel smiled. “Now go enjoy yourself.”

      I grinned. “Yes, Captain!”

      I didn’t get far before I rounded a rather impressive Yooyu topiary and was bumped into by a faerie Kyrii.

      She looked rather startled and looked at me with wide eyes. “Sorry! Kakoni says I should really pay more attention to where I’m going but I can’t help it. I feel like I’m dreaming and just haven’t woken up yet.”

      I smiled. “I know what you mean. I can’t believe I’m here!”

      The Kyrii frowned, as if hesitant to speak up. “Does that mean you’re a rookie too?”

      I nodded. “Yup. The name’s Elbin Kroe, the newest member of the Terror Mountain team. Let me guess, you’re on Team Faerieland?”

      The Kyrii laughed. “My colour makes it obvious, doesn’t it?”

      I nodded. “And I know that Kakoni Worrill is the captain of Team Faerieland.”

      “Kakoni’s the best! My entire team is really.” The faerie Kyrii grinned, extending her hand for a shake. “The name’s Ciona Broan.”

      I gripped Ciona’s hand; she had a surprisingly firm grip. “Glad to meet a ya, fellow rookie!”

     “I play right defender on my team. What about you?”

      “I play defence too! But I’m left defender.”

      “I love playing defence. Just cause I’m a faerie doesn’t mean I’m gonna go easy on you. I won’t hesitate to tackle someone no matter how big and bad you think you are. It’s not easy getting a Yooyu past me. Let someone else have the glory of running the field and scoring goals. Don’t you agree?”

      I was saved from answering when a faerie Kacheek (Babolino, Faerieland left forward) called Ciona.

      Ciona waved. “I’m coming, Babs!” She turned to me. “Hey, wanna meet the rest of my team?”

      “Uh, thanks for the offer but I should find my own team,” I said, thankful for the excuse.

      “It was nice meeting you, Elbin! See ya later!” Ciona darted off to join her teammates.

      Team Faerieland were a low-ranking team. They seemed nice but not the players I wanted to be around. I had my own issues without picking up more.

      “Good call, kid. Don’t want to hang around losers.”

      I turned and gaped to see “Dasher” Soley, the captain of Krawk Island. He was one of the most experienced and most respected players in the league. I couldn’t believe he was talking to me. Though, I was thankful his surly growl didn’t carry. Just because I thought something didn’t mean I was gonna say it.

      Before I could form a response, the pirate Krawk had moved on.

      Someone harrumphed. “Don’t listen to such talk, young’un. Winning isn’t everything.”

      I whirled to see an Elephante towering over me. I recognized him too. Salayne Ritad, Altador goalkeeper. His advice didn’t surprise me. Altador was right down there with Faerieland at the bottom of the league.

      “I can see in your eyes you disagree. Too many in this league believe the same. They forget what it’s really for.” Ritad sighed. “But I won’t argue. Run along, rookie. Your teammates are looking for you.

      I spent the rest of the afternoon with my teammates. They introduced me to other players and I enjoyed talking to ‘pets from all across Neopia that all shared the same competitive spirit I did. We were all friendly with one another but there was an undercurrent of tension. We were all anticipating the beginning of the Cup. In the end, only one of us would win.

     To be continued…

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