There are ants in my Lucky Green Boots Circulation: 196,834,801 Issue: 945 | 1st day of Collecting, Y23
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Stamp Collecting from Beginner to Pro!

Stamp Collecting from Beginner to Pro! Stamp and Album collecting can be one of the most rewarding and exciting hobbies to have in Neopia. It’s packed with fantastic rewards, epic and nostalgic artwork and surrounded by a welcoming and supportive community. There are almost 800 items that you can add to your collection at the point of writing, so it can be daunting for new collectors deciding to take the plunge. If that is you, then sit back and grab a can of Neocola because I’m going to walk you through from beginning to end! In this series we will cover the four key components of the hobby: 1. Why? 2. The Basics 3. The Hunt! Why? As a The Wise Gnorbu would say, “One must know their planned destination before setting out on an adventure, or risk winding up in the exact same spot after a long journey”.

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