Invisible Paint Brushes rock Circulation: 196,868,939 Issue: 948 | 12th day of Storing, Y23
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Kiko Lake: The Worst Altador Cup Team

by domdee17


This message was brought to you by: the Anti-Kiko Editorial. Help us get rid of the threat of Kiko Lake with our petitions, spread the word of Kiko Lake’s team and your interactions with them, and help us by giving an interview. We always appreciate it.

      Dear reader, I must ask, have you been to the Altador Cup? Of course you have, everyone has been to at least one, and if not, shame on you! Anyway, back to the topic at hand. If you have gone to the Altador Cup, you’re probably familiar with the teams, ranging from Meridell, to Roo Island, to even Darigan Citadel. But here, I’m going to focus on the most unpleasant of all the teams: Kiko Lake. These scoundrels have been going around unchecked for too long. After all, we’ve all heard the stories of rare items being ‘given as a donation’ to the Kiko Lake team, but it’s obviously intimidation. Nobody in their right minds would give away items worth millions of Neopoints to anyone for free. They continually do this, stealing from unsuspecting Neopians who never see it coming. It’s a disgrace, and we at the Anti-Kiko Editorial advocate for the Kiko Lake team to either get repercussions for all the items they stole, or get banned from the Altador Cup altogether! This following section will be interviews from the poor souls who were robbed by the dastardly team.

      “I was strolling through Meridell, hoping to place some bets on my favourite Turdle: Nutty. I had already brought some JubJub Coconut Juice to give him some boost. But before I could make it to Nutty, the Kiko Lake team had ambushed me! They demanded a donation and before I could reply, they took the Coconut Juice from me and left! I demand that Kiko Lake give me back that Coconut Juice!” said one anonymous Neopian, who held up a sign petitioning for the suspension of Kiko Lake from the Altador Cup.

      “It was horrible!”, said an outraged Neopian we interviewed in the Ever Stocked General Store. “I was sitting on a bench right outside this store, about to dig into a delicious Frozen Veggie Delight, only to have those blasted Kiko’s take it from me! It’s an outrage, I tell you, and outrage!” The interviewee then ran out of the store, yelling about Kiko Lake and their crimes.

      “How could they!” cried an upset Neopian at the Art Centre. “I was playing with my Darigan Checkers with a friend right in this very Art Centre. Only for it to get taken away by the Kiko Lake team! What they call a donation, I call a theft!” After the interview, the Neopian in question left the Art Centre.

      “This is the last straw! Kiko Lake must pay!” a Neopian said near the Post Office, holding a stamp album. “After many months, I finally found a Quilin Stamp stock. I purchased it and walked out of the store, about to put it in my album. Only for the Kiko Lake team to suddenly take it out of my hands! They have been stealing from us Neopians for years with no action taken against it! I highly urge everyone to look out for them! This wasn’t even the first time, either! I once had a frozen negg I was going to redeem at the Neggery, only for the Kiko Lake team to stop me!” The Neopian was so angry, they soon chased another Neopian who was seen wearing Kiko Lake merchandise.

     “It all just happened in a blink.” said a Neopian we interviewed in the mystical land of Shenkuu. “I had noticed my dear Uni was feeling under the weather. So I went to buy some Dandelion Root from the local shop. Yes, I know I could’ve gone to the pharmacy, though it was simply too far away. As I was going to give my dear Uni the root, the Kiko Lake team had swooped in and taken it! I didn’t even know they were in Shenkuu!” The Neopian soon bought another Dandelion Root for their Uni, curing them.

      As we were saying, Kiko Lake must pay. They have been pilfering unsuspecting Neopians for years, stealing items worth millions. They have been intimidating others into giving up even sentimental items just for the sake of ‘donations’. It is truly a travesty, showing the lack of action taken by the Defenders of Neopia. We highly urge everyone to stick together against the threat of the Kiko Lake team and their tyrannical rule of fear. We urge people to keep a lookout behind their backs and to make sure to always be on the alert. We urge storekeepers to set up security should the item-hungry team decide to expand to taking ‘donations’ at stores. We urge the National Neopian to take necessary action to maintain and secure every Neopoint in the bank to prevent the Kiko Lake team from breaking in. We hope that one day, justice can be served throughout Neopia and the threat of Kiko Lake will finally end.

      This article was brought to you by the Anti-Kiko Lake Editorial. Founded in the effort to stop the rule of Kiko Lake and their ridiculous ‘donation’ policy. All interviewees are kept private and will never have their identity leaked. Our mission is to stop Kiko Lake’s Altador Cup team from collecting any more ‘donations’, you can help our mission by signing the petitions. Simply find a local bulletin board and find it, a free pen waits for anyone who signs it. You may also help our goals by spreading the word. Don’t let your stories go unheard and tell the world. And as a final way to help, you may contact us and help give an interview, we will always listen and appreciate you for your time and testimony in stopping Kiko Lake. This is a goodbye for this message, we hope Kiko Lake will be stopped and everyone may know of the threat that looms upon us. As always, watch your backs for Kiko Lake, farewell!


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