Now with 50% more useless text Circulation: 196,868,939 Issue: 948 | 12th day of Storing, Y23
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Blossoms~ Heart to Heart Part 11

You don't have to like me, but I do need you to trust me.

by twillieblossom
3D Peophin Pop-up Card (Printable Craft)

Make a splash with this beautiful printable craft!

by jaylahcat
Bad Idea, Dude: Halloween Part 2

The second of a 3 part Halloween comic for October!

by fluffy_bumbkin
Annual Gormball Championships: The Crossword

Just how much do you know about Gormball? collab with theguy2020

by coconut_rat
A Really Great Joke

King Skarl has an interesting sense of humour… collab with stargirl089

by kathleen_a_b
Crumbeard's Ship Log

The adventures of a Yurble that's biscuit by colour, pirate by profession.#7: Secured on the Krawkchain

by rarehunter41
Boochi, stop failing

Good timing Boochi!

by nico_andresss
Soy Sauce

Having been away means getting surprised all over again

by black_kisa
Heads up!

There are better ways to resolve conflict...

by memorerro
Better Luck Next Time, Kad!

Today's the day!! Collab with cisko116 and emilyhunter5034

by neomystress
Winter is coming!

With winter fast approaching, this will give you a good laugh

by chefcheeto
The Insanity Clause

Never let IC go out for an avocado run. Collab with o_babypet4me_o

by xmasplush
It's Their Birthday Too!

We're celebrating a really special birthday today!!! Collab with corrina404 and theguy2020.

by preksolanx
Super Happy Fun Birthday Crossword!

Can you solve this birthday crossword! Collab with mikurubeam297

by riparu
Random Oddness

Beauty is only skin deep, but ugliness? Hoo boy.

by mistyqee
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Tons of Fun With Birthday Wearables

---Starring Chessella the Pastel Draik, Walda the (whiny) Baby Kacheek, and Christine, their owner!--- Christine: Hi, one and all! As Neopets’ birthday approaches once more, many Neopets are wondering what they should wear to the corresponding birthday party, or any birthday party, for that matter. Never fear, because I have gathered some impeccable birthday-themed wearables which will leave your Neopet feeling very stylish--- Walda: ARE THERE BABY SIZES?! Christine: Yes, some, but not all, of these items are wearable by babies. Walda: Good... Ella: I could use a new dress, too. I have a party to go to... Christine: Then you’ll love what’s coming up. Without further ado, here are the wearables: ---Baby Birthday Dress--- Walda: YAY!!! A dress for babies! Can I try it on? Christine: Sure. ---Walda grabs the dress gleefully...

Other Stories


Tales of Neopia: Two Against One
It's Siyana and Psellia vs. The Sleeper - better tune in!

by neoghia


Cathton's Birthday Wish
If one were to meet Cathton Wincott, one’s first impression was that he had everything he wanted...

by precious_katuch14


Avatar Hunting In The Times of Post Flash
Hey there! So you wanna hunt some avatars, huh, during the transition from flash to beta? Then you’ve come to the right place!

by daisyandblackberry


Tons of Fun With Birthday Wearables
Hi, one and all! As Neopets’ birthday approaches once more, many Neopets are wondering what they should wear to the corresponding birthday party, or any birthday party, for that matter...

by _brainchild_


A Hero's Ballad: The Knightmare
When the two knights walked closer to the specter of Rohane’s father, the middle-aged knight stood up to meet them both...

by parody_ham


Rosalina and the Way-Weird Beast
“Oooh, a real Werelupe!”

by downrightdude

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