Sanity is forbidden Circulation: 196,983,625 Issue: 954 | 18th day of Awakening, Y24
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Show Them You -Really- Care On Valentine’s Day

by dudeiloled


      Well, good morning, afternoon, evening – whenever you’re reading this. It’s everyone’s favourite Beauty Contest host, your fabulous Eyrie darling here. And I know a thing or two about what looks good, as you all know. When I’m not judging the Beauty Contest and overseeing your glorious depictions of each other, I’m enjoying a luxurious lifestyle. Because of that, I’m here to offer some crucial advice for Valentine’s Day.

      Ah, Valentine’s Day. For those Neopets and Neopians lucky in love (or generally a fan of the colours red and pink), it is truly a day worth celebrating. A day worth coming out for. Whether you’re wandering through Neopia Central humming your favourite love song or treating your special someone to a fancy dinner at the Kelp Restaurant in Maraqua, you know it’s going to be a good day. How could it not be? Look – the sun is shining. Even the weather knows you deserve to have a wonderful time. And what makes the day as special as possible? Giving your partner a wonderful Valentine’s Day gift of course!

      Not just any gift, you understand. We’re not talking a Valentines Chocolate Selection or a Valentines Negg alongside your Homemade Valentines Card (all options for those of you on a budget out there). No, we’re talking Big Ticket items. Worth up to millions of Neopoints.

      Did I just hear you gulp? You’re protesting that you’ve only known this Acara a few months, and really the festive holidays were already kind of expensive, and you’ve been skipping out on Food Club lately…

      Nonsense! How else are you going to prove your love except with an ostentatious, supremely expensive and cumbersome gift?

      Words of affection? Genuine heartfelt presents? Spending time together? No, I’m sorry, I don’t understand what you’re talking about.

      And for those of you without a special someone this Valentine’s Day…well, it’s because you haven’t been buying them gifts like these, have you? So, it’s your own fault. But you’ll learn. This article is just as important for you as it is for them. You need to stock up so that you’re ready in case A Mysterious Valentine’s Day Card comes flying your way!

      So without further ado, here are my top fourteen picks (why fourteen, you ask? Because Valentine’s Day is on the fourteenth day of Awakening, of course!) for the best Valentine’s Day gifts on offer this holiday season:


      Pretty Valentine Quiguki & Handsome Valentine Quiguki

      What says I think you’re my cute squishy like this pair of Quiguki? Whether you’re the Pretty Valentine or the Handsome Valentine (or you buy two of the same cause your partnership is extra awesome) this is a brilliant way of symbolically showing the pair of you represented. With the Pretty Valentine Quiguki a steal at 200k, this really is the cheapest way to show them you really care. Our Handsome friend comes in at 800k, so is also a fantastic deal. Get both for just about a million neopoints!




      Raining Confetti Hearts

      At around 1.5 million Neopoints, we’re picking up the price tag a little, but remember we’re talking about luxury goods here. And what says elegance more than these beautiful raining confetti hearts? A never-ending stream of love – it doesn’t get much better than that.




      Acara Valentine Mirror

      Now we’re getting somewhere. At around 2 million Neopoints, you know you want your loved one to be holding a mirror that shows them looking their best both in the reflection and surrounding it. It’s definitely the classiest way to look at yourself, and really, when you’re doing your makeup, wouldn’t you rather know you were doing it in style? It’s all about the whole aesthetic, my dears.




      Valentines Girl Usuki & Valentines Boy Usuki

      To elevate above the Quiguki pair (or perhaps even join forces with them, because who can have too many presents?) we have our Usuki Valentines pair. Our Valentines Girl is 1.7 million and our Boy is 2.5 million, so whether you’re buying one of each or two of the same to represent your relationship, know that you’re spending your Neopoints on good quality displays of love. Aren’t they adorable? I must get two of the boys for myself and my partner, or perhaps drop hints to him that I deserve them!




      Illusen Valentine Plushie

      Our wonderful Faerie friend Illusen (yes I know her personally, and no I can’t give you her contact details) has a beautiful plushie specifically created for Valentine’s Day at only around 4.5 million Neopoints. Perhaps she decided this specifically for her beau Jhudora? She’s often seen clutching it whenever Illusen is away on important business. But that’s neither here nor there – what is important is that you get one too.




      Kacheek Valentine Hair Dryer

      How else is your beau going to get ready for your date at the Kelp Restaurant in Maraqua? Exactly. No need to panic if they’re not a Kacheek, this Hair Dryer works for all Neopets species and leaves your hair and fur feeling and looking divine. At around 5 million Neopoints, it’ll be your most expensive and yet most necessary accessory to getting ready and making yourself beautiful. (Exclusive Beauty Tip: 9 out of 10 winners of the Beauty Contest use this hairdryer and would recommend it to a friend).




      Ylana Skyfire Valentine Gift

      5 million Neopoints will get you this wonderful gift based around Ylana Skyfire, so for any Neopets who are big fans, this is a must-have.




      Kacheek Valentine Stapler

      Stationary, I hear you say in surprise? Why would I get my love a stationary item that screams your work is more important than your leisure and to get back to those emails? Well, this is where you’re wrong. It actually does something much greater than that: it tells the Neopet you admire that you respect their job, that they are good at their job, and that they deserve something lavish to make their job have that little bit more sparkle. For 7 million Neopoints, this stapler does just that. Why a Kacheek themed item again? What can I say, those Kacheeks have expensive taste, and honestly, I’m here for it.




      Draik Valentine Chocolate

      But I have to get them chocolate! Valentine’s Day isn’t complete without it! Fine, fine. I can understand that. Which is why I haven’t left you without hope. These Draik themed chocolates (see, those Kacheeks aren’t hogging all the spotlight – and please, I haven’t even told you about Shoyrus yet) are the perfect edible companion to your other Valentine gifts. Anywhere between 5 and 10 million, you might be thinking that’s pretty steep for something you’re going to eat, but if anything doesn’t that make it all the more enticing?




      Darkest Faerie Plushie

      For those who insist on being edgy and disliking the traditional Valentine’s Day gift, nothing says I understand your need to be different more than this adorable Darkest Faerie Plushie. For a steep 9 million Neopoints, it will also still show your partner that they might not like Valentine’s Day – but they’ll love you!




      Valentine Kadoatie

      For 11 million Neopoints, what more could you want than this adorable Petpet friend? Valentine Kadoaties are known to be affectionate, but oftentimes distant and picky with their food. Can you blame them? They know their worth, and you need to respect that.




      Silver Neopet Heart Charm

      Now I must confess that even my fabulous career as Beauty Contest host and judge hasn’t allowed me the good fortune to be able to own these next two items. Pure silver – the highest quality. Oh, what it must be like to gift your darling this charm! That shows true love, as all material goods do. And this one shows it the most. At around 45 million Neopoints (yes you heard me correctly), this is the best display of love – especially when paired with our final item.




      Silver Heart Box of Chocolates

      At around the same price as the Heart Charm, this is the only box of chocolates you should ever be getting your partner. Oh, imagine the opulence and pleasure of eating from such a box, made of the same pure silver! I’m getting ruffled in my feathers just thinking about it. Why have none of you ever gifted me such a present? After all, I’ve done for you running the Beauty Contest for years! Honestly. I need to pay myself a better wage, I really do.



      If you’re still reading and haven’t immediately rushed off to Neopia Central and the Trading Post to buy all of these items, I appreciate your commitment in staying to the end (and this bodes well for a committed relationship in your future) but really, you should have already closed this article and been on your way.

      Off you trot! Those gifts won’t buy themselves. I have a Beauty Contest to get back to.

      Happy Valentine’s Day!


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