Stand behind yer sheriff Circulation: 197,022,178 Issue: 957 | 1st day of Eating, Y24
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Mutant Mischeif Part One

by angelpansy

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Do you know what happened to my calendar?

by twillieblossom


What is Valenristmaween, you may ask? A wonderful question!

by parody_ham


The Fate of Valeane
"Isobel took the opportunity while the boat cut through the waves to sit back and take stock of the situation. She took a small crystal ball from her store and rubbed it once, dispelling a small amount of magic into it. The thing began to shimmer and a moment later Queen Fyora’s face appeared within the lattice’s depths."

by herdygerdy


Nyx the Captain of the Guard
A Gelert finds help in an unlikely place

by rkbear

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