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What's to do in Krawk Island? A Handy Guide

by domdee17


If you’d like to go on a nice vacation, Krawk Island might not be the first place you’d think of. While it may not have the grand history of Altador, the tropical delights of Mystery Island, the exotic beauty of Shenkuu, nor the galactic wonders (and price tag) of Virtupets Space Station; It has its own range of activities to do that will make for a splendid holiday!


     ACTIVITY #1: Buried Treasure

      The Treasure of Black Pawkeet is elusive. Buried somewhere by a wary crew of pirates to avoid the wrath should their leader ever return. The treasure is known for being hard to find, moving around to evade capture. But, if you’d like to give it a shot, a friendly Krawk allows you to try locating the booty every 3 hours for only 300 NP! On the month of Storing, that price is slashed in half to only 150 NP! And on the special day of Nov 15, the price is free! If you’re lucky enough to find the treasure, great riches shall be yours. With enough luck, you have the chance to instantly make the trip to Krawk Island a very, very memorable one.

     ACTIVITY #2: Swashbuckling Academy

      Do you find the Mystery Island’s Training School simply too expensive for training? Krawk Island has you covered! While the Mystery Island Training School may ask for random codestones, costing valuable time and a large sum of money, The Swashbuckling Academy has a fixed price for the Neopets level! No more do you have to explore the island marketplace, hoping that the specific codestone you need is in stock, only for you to realise that you got the wrong one because they all look so similar. Now, all you need is some spare change in your pocket, and you’ll be levelling up your Neopets in no time.

      ACTIVITY #3: Food Club

      Found in the often busy area of Warf Wharf, Food Club is where pirates eat for competition. 20 Pirates, each with their favourite foods and allergies, all attempt to eat as much as possible! Pirates can choose to eat at four specific locations: The Shipwreck Lagoon, Treasure Island, The (Not so) Hidden Cove, and Harpoon Harry’s. You can place up to 10 bets a day, and no more! By the time the next day rolls around, you can check to see if you made the right choices when betting and (maybe) collect a grand prize!

     ACTIVITY #4: Little Nippers

      An often overlooked building in Ward Wharf, Little Nippers has all you need for Krawk Island-style Petpets! Ranging from the iconic Weewoo (though not in white), to the Deckball loving Pawkeeet, to even the slow though adorable Blurtle, for only a few Dubloons, you can get yourself a Petpet that will surely make your Neopets smile.

     ACTIVITY #5: Smugglers Cove

      Tucked behind the Swashbuckling Academy lies a quaint beach with a cave. While few visit the place anymore, it once was an area where Smugglers would stay to peddle their limited wares. Alas, however, one day, the Smugglers simply ran out of goods to sell. Now, only a few people wait at the cove, hoping that one day the Smugglers will find new items to sell to them. If you’re lucky enough to purchase something from the cove while you can, you have a chance to have some of the most dangerous and effective weapons of all time. During their heyday, the Smugglers would sell rare dolls, weapons, plushies, to even the elusive Super Attack Pea. Remember that the Smugglers are known to sell some of the best weapons Neopia has to offer, so any weapons gained from them are a force to be reckoned with!

     ACTIVITY #6: Anchor Management

      Ever since Krawk Island was rebuilt, a new daily has been added: Anchor Management. This daily task requires you to shoot a cannonball at a giant squid. Doing so causes the beast to flee and nets you a prize. Prizes range from gummies, board games and pinatas to morphing potions, maractite coins and even a paintbrush! To help Krawk Island and gain some fun items, just go to the Governor’s Mansion, and ask to play the game. It’s simple, easy, and fun!

     ACTIVITY #7: The Fungus Cave

      Do you have a Krawk Petpet? And if you do, do you wish for a Krawk Neopet? If so, the Fungus Cave is the place for you. If you enter the cave with a Krawk Petpet of your choice (unless it is a robot or dargian, those can’t be transformed!), then allow your Petpet to eat the fungus. And within seconds, BOOM! Your Petpet has now become a Neopet! Of course, while this may not be the cheapest way to get a Krawk Neopets (Morphing Potions from Anchor Management are significantly cheaper compared to Krawk Petpets), it’s still always a magical moment to see what once was just a tiny Petpet turn into a fully-grown Neopet.

     ACTIVITY #8: The Golden Dubloon

      And now, it’s time to talk about one of the most iconic restaurants in all of Neopia: the Golden Dubloon; run by one very short-tempered Lupe. Here, all bills are paid in Dubloons (don’t worry, they give change!), and all foods are gourmet! Due to the small size of the restaurant, only 100 people are allowed in at any time. Otherwise, nobody can be served if the place is too packed! If your Neopets cannot eat all the food served, the Lupe allows you to bring leftovers outside of the restaurant to eat later. Some examples of the cuisine served here are

     - Caeser Salad: A bowl with delicious lettuce leaves and fish. It’s quite basic compared to the other dishes, so it costs only 1 Dubloon.

     - Tomato Cannon Ball: A tomato that was thrown onto a plate, causing it to splat. Some say this is a waste of tomatoes, while others (i.e., the Gourmet Club) call this a work of fine art. No matter which side you’re on, the delicacy costs 2 Dubloons.

     - Our Famous Krawk Pie: While the ingredients of this pie are a mystery, what’s not is that its flavour is 2nd to none. It has a green crust and is served on a fancy plate. Due to the secret ingredients of the pie, it costs 5 Dubloons.

      However, while you can bring those outside of the restaurant (if your Neopet is too full), there are some items that will always be eaten and never become leftovers. These items are:

     -Cherry Pop

     -Raspberry Pop

     -Grape Pop

     -Mocha Joy Fun Pop

     -Berry Joy Fun Pop

      Those five foods are never obtainable via leftovers, no matter what. Why? I don’t know, but I’d love to be able to get these desserts and drinks outside of the Golden Dubloon!


      Thank you for reading this list of activities to do in Krawk Island! Have a happy vacation!

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