Stand behind yer sheriff Circulation: 197,147,861 Issue: 967 | 26th day of Hiding, Y24
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Continued Series

A Hero's Journey: It Takes Two - Part 3

"For the first several steps into the woods surrounding Meridell Castle, Jeran and Rohane walked in sullen silence. The beauty of nature was lost to them as they trudged onward, scorning full armour for simple clothing chosen for comfort and ease of movement." Thumbnail by twillieblossom

by precious_katuch14
The Knight’s Club - Part 3

the adventure concludes!

by ferretboy85
Armistice - Part 3

the thrilling conclusion!

by crazyboutcute
Ghosts of the Past - Part 3

"Sylvana led the Darigan trio to a barn behind the farmhouse, its once vibrant red paint now faded from time and the elements alike. Hay lay strewn rampant throughout the floor and the shelves above."

by fallingdaybreak
Ancient Home - Part 3

the penultimate chapter! collab with joanna_lewis

by kebicorn
Meridell Mysteries - Part 3: The Imposter Revealed

"The pair of earth faeries found themselves again walking through the market stalls, squinting against the orange rays of sunset. A faint tune from the minstrels could be heard." collab with TTTXYV

by rielcz
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"Adventures in Kiko Lake" by dunefurandlilypelt
Delilah groaned, still under the covers of her bed. She and her roommate, Annie, always tried to be the first one to grab their favourite mug in the morning. It was a Kiko Lake-themed one that Delilah had won at Altador Cup, and by far the nicest object in their little house.

Other Stories


Khalilah Draws a Blank
"Why did I agree to this?"

by hyperspacebeing


Something Old, Something New
"We were celebrating our sixteenth anniversary (well, my anniversary, his birthday) when Lofty told me something."

by 77thbigby


Everything. Just. So.
"I was doing dailies one day when I realised that the order in which people do dailies is extremely important."

by indulgences


Top Five Vacation Spots Around Neopia
"Ah, Summer! Don't we all love it? The sun is shining, the Pteris are singing, and best of all: there's no school! My name is Auburn Sun, and today I'd like to take you on a tour of Neopia."

by auburn_sun


Plot puns
The pun doesn't gets everyone's en-door-sement

by kath602


NeoQuest: The Struggle
Let's start with glasses and go from there...

by butterflybandage

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