Chet Flash wuz here Circulation: 197,147,861 Issue: 967 | 26th day of Hiding, Y24
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The Tyrannian Food Shop: Public Opinion

by _brainchild_


Christine: Hi! Everyone likes a good bite to eat, right? Well, I sure do. In honour of Tyrannian Victory Day this year, I visited the Tyrannian Foods shop, which is run by a Kacheek. Although he only speaks Tyrannian, one of the locals kindly translated for us. The food was great; I loved the Coconut Juice Bowl! Anyway, I wondered what other customers thought, so I asked fifteen random customers what they thought of the place. Without further ado, here are the reviews:

      1. Rating: 5/5

      UGGGG!!! Ugga ugga UGGG!!! Ugg---

      Christine: Okay, maybe I should get someone to translate for me. I’ll be right back...

      1. Rating: 5/5

      I live in Tyrannia, and this is my favourite restaurant by far! They always have the best food, and this place is just a quick walk from home. The menu will make vegans cry, hehe... The Ransaurus Steak is MY FAVOURITE!!! The Tyrannian Brownies are great for dessert. They have so many wonderful options... I highly recommend this place!

      2. Rating: 1/5

      Simply put, the Blood Mole Plant is the most disgusting thing I have EVER eaten. My friends told me it was just “a fake strawberry flavour” and “made for Halloween,” but I shouldn’t have listened to them! That thing almost made me sick. I threw it in the trash, but then some weirdo from the Gourmet Club retrieved it and ATE IT. (Is that badge REALLY worth it? They eat all sorts of vile garbage!) Anyway, if you like half-digested insects and worms, go for the Blood Mole Plant. Otherwise, STAY AWAY!!!

      3. Rating: 1/5

      They didn’t have the Tyrannian Brownies in stock! WAAAAHHHH!!

      4. Rating: 3/5

      It was hard to order because I am a tourist, so I don’t speak Tyrannian. Tyrannia gets a lot of tourism, so you would think that there would be at least one bilingual staff member. Yeah, the Kacheek got my order wrong due to a language barrier, and it was a pain in the rear, but he fixed it and let me keep the extra food free of charge. It wasn’t all bad, I guess.

      5. Rating: 5/5

      Fern Salad... MY FAVOURITE!!! Rated five stars by Chombies everywhere, including myself. ---munch---

      6. Rating: 1/5

      Someone tracked literal DUNG into the restaurant after it got on their shoes, and no one cleaned it up for over an hour... YUCK. I called the Health Department... I regret having my birthday party here. GROSS. Enough said.

      7. Rating: 4/5

      Not bad... I’m glad that this place has a good amount of vegan options! Also, if you like spicy food, then you will find it here. I don’t, but my brother enjoyed the Flaming Burnumup. My only complaint was that the chairs were made of stone, so they weren’t very comfortable.

      8. Rating: 2/5

      Simply put... The Flaming Burnumup was WAY TOO SPICY. It made me cry!!! I know that a “flaming” food is supposed to be spicy, but no food should EVER be THAT hot. At least the Kacheek gave me a free glass of milk to wash the fire away somewhat.

      9. Rating: 1/5

      At the table next to me, some crazy excuse for a “mother” was punishing her toddler for throwing a tantrum by force-feeding a Flaming Burnumup into his mouth. (Needless to say, the kid only cried more.) As a mother of two toddlers myself, this made me SO ANGRY... It’s WRONG!!! I complained to the Kacheek, but he didn’t care, and neither did any of the other staff, so I called the Defenders of Neopia myself on behalf of that poor kid. I hope he’s okay!

      10. Rating: 1/5

      Two bratty toddlers were running around the restaurant and throwing Gravel Cereal at each other, and I got pelted on more than one occasion... I complained to the management, but they did nothing. ---sigh--- The parents didn’t even care; they were talking on their phones the whole time instead of watching their kids. I’m glad that I taught my kids not to act like that.

      11. Rating: 5/5

      A wide variety of tasty food, and rock bottom prices on Tyrannian Victory Day!

      12. Rating: 2/5

      Yummy food, but when I went into the bathroom, it was an absolute MESS. The trash can was overflowing! Also, there were no more paper towels, so I had to use toilet paper to dry my hands... and it stuck to my skin. Ick. Not to mention the less-than-glamourous graffiti which was all over the stalls... My child learned a few bad words that day.

      13. Rating: 3/5

      Unfortunately, I had an allergic reaction to the Gummy Grensa for some reason, but thankfully, the Kacheek was very sympathetic, and he advised me on Tyrannian home remedies to try. I did what he said (although sceptical), and to my surprise, I was soon feeling better.

      14. Rating: 1/5

      As a Buzz, I was wondering why my honey kept disappearing (and where it was going), and it turns out that this place is the culprit. They’re stealing honey from us Buzz when we’re not looking and selling it to their unsuspecting customers!

      15. Rating: 1/5

      Sooooo... I walked into the restaurant with my 4-year-old, and the first thing we saw was a furious Chocolate Draik berating the Kacheek behind the counter. She was shouting about how her order was “taking too long to make” and using a lot of choice words, which I, of course, didn’t want my toddler to hear. I left with my child, hoping that the Draik would be gone soon enough. We returned half an hour later, and she was STILL screaming at the Kacheek, meaning that her order was STILL not ready! My toddler was bummed about not being able to try the Tyrannian Brownies, but nevertheless, I didn’t want him to witness any more of that ugly scene, so I left with him, that time for good. I question why the order took so long to fill...

      Christine: So, some visitors had good experiences, while others did not. At any rate, I found these reviews entertaining to read. Visit the restaurant if you wish. I found the food tasty, anyway, and they do have a lot of vegan options. Until next time, dear readers!

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