Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 197,101,763 Issue: 963 | 1st day of Swimming, Y24
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Shipwrecked Shipments

by ok886

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Some Wacky Ways To Improve The Altador Cup!
"The Altador Cup is in full swing as I’m writing this article, and the players are grinding away at the games! We’re playing Yooyuball, slinging slushies, making tons of noise, and shooting Yooyus past Jelly Chia goalies!"

by indulgences


AC Weewoo
I feel so honoured...

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Watching Petals
"Carpets of mountain pinks fringed the pathway of the Meridell Botanical Garden. Lush magnolias, cherry blossoms, and flowering pear trees covered the lawn. Pastel tulips numbering in the thousands spread into the distance. Everywhere, Spingabees and Beekadoodles flit this way and that, happily harvesting nectar from each bloom."

by parody_ham


The Return of Destiny
Chapter 7: "From afar, eyes turn black" collab with sportsagain and noelia_pets

by venused

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