For an easier life Circulation: 197,101,763 Issue: 963 | 1st day of Swimming, Y24
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Moo-vers And Shakers; The Top 5 Kaus of Neopia

Kaus. Introduced to Neopia on the twenty-sixth day of Swimming, Year Two, and beloved by all who meet them, except maybe a few rude Buzz, ever since. There's nothing quite like watching a good old-fashioned fencing throw-down between two Kaus of equal Horn Level. Or maybe you've heard a Kau at karaoke, earnest and beautiful and only jumbling a few of the words up. There's over five million Kaus and counting in Neopia, but we're narrowing it down to the stars that shine the brightest, the pinnacles of Kau performance, the top five Kaus of Neopia!

Other Stories


The Littlest Roo Island Fan
I decided to write this story after getting an idea about my Kougra Javaier helping out his favorite team, Roo Island.

by nickythewizard


A Day in the Life of a Very Rich Slorg
"Deep in the heart of the Haunted Woods, nestled amongst the dreary blackened foliage, a small moss-covered tree stump can be found. This stump, while it may appear unremarkable at first glance, has a certain charm."

by cryistalene


Tyrannia in Modern Neopia
"Although still adorned with the prehistoric markers of a time long forgotten, Tyrannia has barely maintained it’s tough exterior through the ages and it begs the question - what does it mean to be Tyrannian in modern Neopia?"

by gloomrain


The AC: A Wealth of Inexperience
"This year marks the 17th year of the Altador Cup since the kingdom was awoken from its long slumber. That’s 17 years of Yooyu Ball and with it some truly remarkable careers from senior players - such as Krell Vitor of the Haunted Woods, who guided his team to victory the first year of the cup, to Captain Foltaggio, who after many hard-fought years, finally brought his team together to win one for the home team."

by keng200


The Off Season
Pollen levels won't take my love for the sunshine away from me!

by pokemon_master_a74


Don't eat your Neopets! Part 3
Dr Sloth isn't amused! collab with eiligr

by noelia_pets

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