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The AC: A Wealth of Inexperience

by keng200


This year marks the 17th year of the Altador Cup since the kingdom was awoken from its long slumber. That’s 17 years of Yooyu Ball and with it some truly remarkable careers from senior players - such as Krell Vitor of the Haunted Woods, who guided his team to victory the first year of the cup, to Captain Foltaggio, who after many hard-fought years, finally brought his team together to win one for the home team.

     The experience gained has gone on to shape some amazing strategies as each player learns and grows from both their friends and rivals.

     And with the veterans have come the rookies. Fresh talent ready to charge headfirst against the odds to show us something new. Rookies like last year’s Whimsi Dia the Vandagyre, who despite a rough first year managed to help push out a win on the field against last year’s champs with a marvellous passing play. Or this year’s newcomer Pteri, Motor Dahy of Kreludor, whose hot-headed impulsive attitude has helped give his new rock’s team some early wins.

     Neither of these young up-and-comers are willing to let a lack of experience excuse a poor performance. So why have other players - who’ve gone through as many Yooyu rackets as fans have slushies - claimed “inexperience” as their weakness?

     It’s true that with experience comes knowledge and confidence. No number of shots in Shoot out Showdown can prepare you for facing the steely determination of your opponent on the pitch, or the roar of the crowd making some noise. But how valid are these claims of inexperience?

     In total 17 players have “inexperience” listed among their weaknesses, (not to be confused with Ethel Boortz of Meridell who clarified with a crack of her back that “too much” experience is where her problem lies). None of them started this year, or even last.

     The most recent of these claims goes to Feldon "Dinksy" Collibridge of Krawk island who joined the team in AC VIII. That was 11 years ago in Neopian year 15. The Shoyru was this year’s top scorer in the first week of round-robin, and her team ranked 2nd overall the first year she played in AC VI. This quick, versatile forward has been the sole offensive force on her team since Ealyn Hawkshanks left the team to join Kreludor in year 15. Is she sailing under a false flag to lure in her opponents?

     Dinksy is the least egregious offender (or defender) of the pack though. Many more players with many more years of play as professionals continue to claim they don’t know what they’re doing.

     Aldric Beign of Moltara began his professional career in year 12, the same year his team made their debut. Moltara does remain the most junior team in the cup, but at a dozen years they’re about as green as the magma pools they bathe in. What’s more Aldric is the team’s captain Perhaps some excuse can be made for his team’s poor record, having only made it as high as 3rd once. Maybe if this Kougra re-examined his weaknesses he could find new strength by snuffing out hidden bad habits to burn stronger than ever.

     Next on our list of old sprouts is Yours Obbles of Meridell. One of the smallest goalkeepers in the league, this JubJub hasn’t let that keep him down. He joined Meridell’s Yooyu knights back in year 10, giving him 14 years of heroic saves. Since joining he’s shared the podium three times with one 3rd place finish in AC VII, and two 2nd place finishes in AC XIII and AC XV. With Meridell’s strong start this year, maybe a crowning first-place finish will finally give this blue fuzz the experience he’s searching for.

     The bulk of our overgrown greenhorns started in year 9, the second year of the modern Altador Cup. There are 9 players in total who think 15 years still isn’t enough time to shake their nerves.

     This includes home team’s green Gelert, Lyvon Cibaire, who last year finally helped bring home the gold and earned Altador their time in the sun.

     Zayle Sufhaux of Krawk island is the second member of his team to try to pass himself off as still wet behind the ears, and unlike his teammate Dinksy, this Grundo has experience the thrill of first place back in AC IV. A win so momentous it was the daily puzzle answer 4 times in a row last week! And to really take the wind out of the sails of this farce, he’s received two individual awards including “runner up rookie of the year” in AC II, and The All-Neopia Second Right Defender in AC III.

     Vela Binal of Mystery Island must be coconuts to think we’re still buying that he doesn’t know how to hold a racket. This Lenny’s expert tackling has helped fly his team to 2nd place in AC VII and all the way to first in AC XI.

     Xana DiLanche, like Aldric, has been with her team since they first joined the cup for AC II in year 9. While this goalkeeper may not be tasked with leading her team, the Lutari’s team’s best showing was in their earliest years, with a 3rd place finish in her first cup (where she was also a runner-up for rookie of the year), and 2nd place on the podium in AC IV

     Sela Pretore, the plucky xweetox of Virtupets space station joined her team for first place in AC VI and served her team like a force-field in their llaser-focusedwin against Darigan in their first match this year.

     Special attention must be called to Reshar Collifey, the quick-finned goalkeeper of Darigan Citadell. This jetsam was a surprise replacement when previous goalkeeper, skieth Mugo Lifler retired early after the first cup. Reshar went on to thrill crowds with amazing saves and helped bring his team to first place in his very first season. That same year Reshar was the runner-up for both rookie of the year and most valuable player and took home the All-Neopia Second team Goalkeeper award. Since then the team has never fallen below 9th place and has had two 3rd place spots on the podium.

      Terror Mountain and the Lost Desert teams are both being given special spotlights for both possessing not one, but two players each claiming inexperience from those first two years. Each with one player that started in AC II, and another from way back in the beginning: AC I

     From the ever shifting sands of the Lost Desert, Luvea Trivon joined in AC II and Derbi Azar joined in AC I. Draconic Neopets may be known for their long lifespans but these two are hardly freshly hatched, each having lifted their team to two 3rd place finishes and a win in AC V.

     On the opposite end of the thermometer, Terror Mountain’s Osielle Lidel has been buzzing past defenders since AC II and Bori, Rinok Fitel has been holding the line since AC I, outlasting all other defenders on his team. Both of these players were part of the surprise storm that blew through AC XIV to take home first.

     Honourable Mention goes to Kiko lake for having two mixed experience players who technically started in AC I and II, but Holbie Pinnock has career gaps, and Meela Kitah changed positions early in the cups history, so I’ll give them some charity on this one.

     There are still more players who have been here since the first cup in year 8 who claim inexperience, making 5 members total in this club of originals and leaving just two more on the list.

     Barit Jowes of Maraqua could be excused for floundering as the most senior player in the present company who has not placed first on the podium. Considered young when he first joined the team he’s not known for making waves. Perhaps he simply hasn’t gotten around to updating his profile, or been distracted by the rising cost of his stamp-collecting hobby.

     Are calendars different on Kreludor? They must be for Derlyn Fonnet. If Terror Mountain and the Lost Desert are the worst collective offenders, this Gnorbu is the worst individual. She joined in AC I and like Aldric is her team’s captain! And hardly an inefficient one with one 3rd place finish, four 2nd place spots, and an out-of-this-world win in AC VII! She won the All-Neopia Team Second Defender award in AC III when she led her team to be hailed as the most improved that year. Some slack must be given to the fact her team sat out AC II, but with aforementioned forward Motor Dahy shinning as one of this year’s rookies, maybe it’s time to reclassify Fonnet’s skillset.

     Some recognition should go out to the teams who’ve stayed clean of this affair. Brightvale, despite its underhanded reputation, has found this particular hustle below their standards. Faerieland ties with other teams for the most replacement players but continues to fly true. The Haunted Woods hasn’t lost its way over the years. Tyrannia’s managed to keep up with the times, and Roo Island’s ROOputation for good sportsmanship remains clean.

     Perhaps the blame for the inexperience oversight is not on the players. Perhaps it’s the Altador Cup Committee in charge of registering players, or perhaps the team’s managers? Whoever it is, it’s time to graduate these players and acknowledge the hard work and wisdom they’ve gained through years of play.

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