Voice of the Neopian Pound Circulation: 197,128,178 Issue: 965 | 29th day of Swimming, Y24
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New Family, Old Rivals

by kuroneko_kitty

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An Old Friend
Lord Darigan meets with an unexpected guest.

by therock4678


This Month in the News
"Though life in Neopia during much of the year tends to be quiet and relatively consistent (here's waiting for you, next beta update!), there are periods where the world goes through far-reaching and momentous changes."

by rielcz


Ancient Home: Part 1
"Shrieking in the night within the circle of torches around them, a mass of horned evil coconuts gathered in front of their king. The tribe lived in an uncharted area on the southern shore of The Isle of Fay." collab with joanna_lewis

by kebicorn


Crop Guide for the Novice Meridell Farmer
"So, you want to start your own farm, eh? Well, it’s not as simple as it sounds! A successful farmer must know all about the different seasons, the effect of high or low precipitation, the different soil types, and how to rotate crops through the fields!" collab with chrisy_chan and belleprintemps

by _reyah_

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