Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 197,128,178 Issue: 965 | 29th day of Swimming, Y24
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I Heart Meridell

by antonia22301

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Great stories!


Meridell Mysteries Part 1: The Sus Faerie
"I really should have done this years ago, thought Jhudora as she walked through the merry, medieval bustle that was the 20th Anniversary of Meridell renaissance faire."

by tttxyv


Un día en Darigan//One day in Darigan
"Yo vivo aquí a pesar de tener un clima difícil porque siempre está oscuro, e incluso cuando no lo está, el cielo esta nublado. No todo está maldito en cierto modo este lugar tiene su encanto."

by clari_hikari


Meridell Travel Guide
"After the news of a possible three plots coming in the next year, Meridell vs. Darigan is back in the spotlight! Celebrating the 20th anniversary of the great battles between the regions of Meridell and Darigan will be a very grand event all over Neopia – but probably most celebrated by those who took part." collab with coconut_rat and cpssgh1004

by theguy2020


Recounting the Battle for Meridell
"Almost two decades after one of the most eventful and gruelling battles in Neopian history, as a society, we still recall the Battle for Meridell with perfect clarity." collab with shin0bi_

by therainbowsheep

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