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Castle Planners Journal: The Meridell Day Tragedy

by ferretboy85


The crowd of pets attending the Merridel Day festivities were quietly whispering rumours rapidly across the ballroom. Nobody knew who the shouting royal Acara was, but the name Count Durlston was known by a few pets. It was the name of the Skunk Ixi that lived in secrecy in the castle as a prisoner, but that was all.

     “Oh.” Skarl looked a little bored, and rolled his eyes. Jeran was keeping a close eye on Skarl to see how he was reacting to the return of an enemy. Jeran knew that Skarl dreaded his return so much, that he had told the Lupe his fears in private. “Back already then. Are you here to continue your stay here in the castle?” Skarl’s tone of voice was irreverent, but Jeran could see a subtle shaking in Skarls paws. Jeran had never seen Skarl this nervous.

     “AAauaughh!” Eardwald roared in rage. “You should be dead. All of you!” Eardwald wildly gestured to all of the dignitaries on the balcony. The leaders of Brightvale, Darigan Citadel, and Merridell, with their highest-ranking ambassadors, had all been concentrated into that one platform.

     Now Skarl was angry. “Well, we are not!” Skarl stood up in indignant defiance. Behind Eardwald, he could see Sir Tormund and Sir Rohane approaching through the thick crowd to arrest the intruder. “You shouldn’t have come here without an army.”

     “I didn't need an army to get revenge! The balcony should have fallen on its own! I guess I will have to do it myself!” The Acara threatened.

     “So you’re the one who sapped my structure!” Gaius had an outburst of anger. Normally he wouldn't have let on, but with how tired he was, he found it harder to contain his frustrations. “Have you any idea how hard it was to undo your little stunt?!” Gaius pointed a sharp claw in his direction.

     Eardwald stopped amplifying his voice, and looked at the orange Bori on the staircase. “Ah. So I have you to blame for gutting my plan. Perhaps I should return the favour!” The Acara took a stance as a wave of magic pushed out around him, getting ready to charge a spell. Gaius defiantly prepared to defend with his canvas shoulder cape, which now glistened with its own subtle defensive magic.

     But before any volleys of magic could be thrown, Tormund and Rohane had grabbed the angry Acara from behind, and restrained him. They all struggled, but Rohane’s sheer grip couldn't be overcome, and Tormund had managed to catch one of his kicking little legs and keep him from squirming further. From the balcony, Jeran relaxed. He wasn't sure if Gaius would be in the line of fire, but was reassured once Rohane had a handle on the situation. Skarl also sat back down and relaxed, letting out a long sigh of relief.

     But Eardwald was stubborn, and struggled within their arms. “Unhand me!” He commanded in vain. After a continued fight, he managed to free a single paw, and revealed a pendant hanging around his neck. “Come forth!” He said, speaking into it, before he finally yielded, and laid still, pinned under the Blumaroo and Lupe.

     Jeran was back on high alert upon seeing Eardwald issue the command. “Gaius!” Jeran called for his suitor to come all the way up the stairs towards safety by his side. As the Bori climbed the stairs, a shrill wail could be heard, and then a sudden thud. In the doorway to the ballroom, the skeletal Skeith that had escaped the dungeons had just landed, and blocked the exit. It swiped at any pet that was too close, and it scrambled into the room to fight for its master. All of the pets raced to clear out of the way.

     Gaius, upon seeing the beast, called for everyone to move away from the sides of the balcony towards the sturdier stone staircases. He was confident that the construction could hold against attack, but didn't want to take any chances, especially with the royalty and nobility of three nations.

     But before the skeletal monster could make its first move to swipe at the balcony’s new supports, Jeran leapt off the side without a second of hesitation, aiming to land on the beast with his blade plunging downward. The screeching beast took the brunt of Jeran’s blade, piercing straight through the sutures of the skull. Normally a direct hit, but on an undead opponent, merely an inconvenience. The monster howled with such force as to resonate with the room. The Skeith tried bucking and throwing the Knight off of its shoulders by ramming him into the wall, but Jeran was too sturdy to be shaken off. Not content with just their piercing blow, Jeran twisted the sword with all his might to try and free it, causing the cracks in the ancient bones to widen, splinter, and then split all the way open. With a heave of great force, the skull was split in twain by Jeran’s blow. The rest of the skeleton fell apart as the spell holding it together faded, leaving just Jeran standing triumphant in a pile of bones.

     “Nooo!!!” Eardwald cried out as he watched his thrall’s magic dissipate.

     “I’ll take this.” Rohane snatched the Acara’s pendant before he could do anything else with it.

     As Rohane took it off through, dark energy pulsated around Eardwald. Soon a shadow-like flame consumed the Acara, and revealed a Wraith, shifting in and out of various different forms. Still being held prone by Tormund, Eardwald screamed in a frustrated tantrum.

     “You can’t do this to me! You promised! You are taking everything!!!” He screamed.

     “Eardwald.” Skarl ‘s voice boomed. “You’ve lost. Give it up.” He warned.

     “No! The dark faeries have given me this power, and I intend to use it!” The dark magic flickered out of the sides of his mouth as he cursed at the knights holding him down. His hollow eyes stared down the king.

     King Skarl began to descend the staircase with purpose. He never broke eye contact, until he reached the bottom, and made his way straight towards Sir Borodere. All the pets in attendance were watching Skarl with baited breath.

     “Your sword, please.” The king held out his paw to Jeran, who hesitated for a moment, but knew better than to question the king at this moment. He gently spun the blade around so that the hilt rested gently in Skarl’s grip.

     The wraith pet continued cursing at Skarl as he walked ever closer.

     “Eardwald. I tried to do what I could for you. But this, I cannot tolerate. For crimes against Meridell, Brightvale, and Darigan Citadel, breaking the agreement of your ancient imprisonment, and for spoiling a good feast between friends, I sentence you... To death.” Skarl punctuated his statement with the blade of the sword.

     Not wanting to spoil a good time, Skarl encouraged everyone to spend the rest of the festival outside in the gardens, to take advantage of the beautiful day. Jeran and the other knights however, stayed inside for a little longer. Skarl had brought them to the throne room for a quick chat.

     “Thank you all, your decisive actions have saved the kingdom.” Skarl looked at the knights, and then also gave a nod towards Gaius, who was surprised to have been given acknowledgement. He thought he was in the throne room just to accompany Jeran.

     Skarl Continued. “You are my top knights, and you once again prove that my trust and reliance on you is resting in good hands. Sirs Rohane, and Tormund. You might not know what that was, but they certainly were threatening all of our lives. You immediately stepped up to handle it. Thank you. Jeran. Your bravery and propensity for action continue to cement your title of Champion. I’m glad you were able to get revenge on that skeletal beast of the thing.” Skarl Commended the three. They were each glad for their recognition.

     “Gaius...” The large Skeith turned to the Bori.

     The orange Bori snapped to attention.

     “Not only did you notice the sabotage, but you also coordinated the effort to repair it sturdily in time for the ball. I think Meridell, Darigan, and Brightvale owe you the lives of their elite. As a reward for such efforts and deeds, I’d induct you as a knight into the Order of the Whinny” Skarl paused for a moment to let his words sink in,”but I take it your... Lodge?... does not allow for such elevated titles.” Skarl gestured towards Gaius’s shoulder cape, a symbol of Gaius’s membership.

     “Thank you, your majesty. I appreciated it, but you are correct, I am obligated to refuse higher titles.” Gaius did a little curtsy with his cape. “I’d like to stay a humble architect.”

     “Very well.“ Skarl had expected to be turned down. He was familiar with Gaius’s father doing the same. He turned to the group. “As far as we can tell, Eardwald was consumed by rage, and made deals with dark forces to ensure his longevity, biding his time for revenge. He failed.” Skarl explained.”But do not assume this is over. He may be gone now, but who knows what he was up to while he was missing. We should be fine, but stay alert. I will tell our ambassadors the same message. Now, I order you four to enjoy the rest of the festivities.“ Skarl dismissed them.

     “Oh boy! Rohane, are you ready to joust against me?” Tormund excitedly asked the white Blumaroo.

     “I don't see why I need a Uni to knock you down, but yes.” Rohane quipped at him as they passed through the threshold.

     Jeran took Gaius’s paw, and held it tightly as they walked behind the two other knights.

     “Let's have some fun.” Jeran told Gaius.

     Gaius smiled. “Let's!”

     Later, Gaius would fill out the last couple of pages in his journal, before he would need to start a new one.

     ‘Lisha has been hard at work translating, copying and cross-referencing the tomes that Eardwald left behind. We all agree that those books are the most valuable legacy left behind by the former Count Durlston. With his documentation, Meridell can work towards revealing more about those who were conquested in the pursuit of founding Meridell. Dariganian scholars are particularly interested in ensuring this history was preserved, having almost shared a similar fate.

     Sir Borodere and I have been continuing our relationship, and now his fellow knights are all in the know. They like to tease Jeran for finally finding someone. Now I just have to deal with the occasional irrational behaviour that occurs when you put a bunch of competitive men in a room together, as they have been making sure that I come along. Sir Ellis must have mentioned that Skarl would have knighted me, had I not refused. The other knights seem surprised that I turned it down!

     Jeran had asked about why I had refused, and wondered more about the colours I wore on my formalwear. As a member of the Hewers Lodge, a small collective of stone cutters, woodworkers, and other craftsmen, I am obligated to keep my working-class roots. Accepting titles would put me above my fellow labouring pets, so I had to gently turn King Skarl down, thankfully, Skarl is quite familiar with this order, as all of my family have been members.

     Lisha also mentioned something interesting to me the other day. Before she arrived in Meridell, she had seen a portrait of her brother, and was told that he had tragically died young. She also mentioned that in that portrait, Jeran did not have a scar from that monster, or an eyepatch. She speculates that the timelines must have diverged, now that he has the scar, and is still alive. I won't pretend to understand timelines, but I'm just glad that he’s safe and alive with me now.

     Before I run out of space in this journal of mine, I should update you on the new Great Hall. Now that it has been approved, Wolcott and I have been making plans and drawings for the designs we want to put in it. Everything is going well, and I look forward to my masterpiece sealing my legacy upon this great and living castle. Wolcott is also progressing finely. After I helped save the Meridell Day Ball, Lazlo gave me a small, but handsome reward of Neopoints. I have given a majority of which to Wolcott, so that he may have fine clothes and tools to continue practicing his passion.

     To the next pet who reads this journal (and the next one I start writing) I hope it finds you well, and in the safety of the castle. Hopefully my journals illuminate the history of this place, as previous journals have done for me.

     The End.

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» Castle Planners Journal: The Meridell Day Tragedy - Part 1
» Castle Planners Journal: The Meridell Day Tragedy - Part 2
» Castle Planners Journal: The Meridell Day Tragedy

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