Chet Flash wuz here Circulation: 197,205,082 Issue: 972 | 4th day of Storing, Y24
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Short Stories

Rubble and Memories

"A letter came, as they often did, in the beak of a Weewoo. But this one was different..."Thumbnail made by twillieblossom

by parody_ham
5 Nights at Fyora's

"I walked up the cobblestone path, through the gates, and approached the sparkling castle. The towers soared into the clouds, the evening light glinting off the windows. A passed a few stragglers leaving the castle as I approached..."

by marshclan13_
A Strange and Sour Night

"'On the night of All Hallows Eve, when the border between this world and the next is at its thinnest, bring a bag of candy to the overgrown pumpkin patch, deep within the Haunted Woods. Only then will you find what you're seeking'"

by smartalecked
The Statue

"She had never seen a statue so lifelike. It was a Meowclops carved from stone, curled up in a sleeping position. Its stubby legs were folded against its body, and its delicate nose looked almost as if it was quivering with breath."

by legilis
A New Normal for Halloween

"I hadn't planned to be walking here, of all places, at night..."

by saqo
Something Purple This Way Comes

"Vandebart Biggsby is the name. Apple bobbing is my game. You can call me Bart. I came to the Haunted Woods a long time ago. After I settled down in Neovia, I got to know the other residents of the spookiest place in Neopia. Mind you, I keep other Neovians at a distance..."

by me_r_cy
Night of the Evil Coconuts

"Long before the invention of the famous Coco Whip Slushie, a small tribe of coconut people had discovered the only place where the Neopian Chocolate River meets the Cream Waterfall. The resulting mixtures were collected by the Pango Tribe and given to young Neopets as treats."

by cazcazig
Is the Tooth Faerie Made of Teeth?

"A shaggy Lupe's head emerged from behind a horrid pastel Ona-shaped chair. Beneath his bushy eyebrows, his yellow eyes flicked left and right, glowing in the gloom of the dimly lit room..."

by liouchan
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Thinking Outside the Box for Autumn Customizations

With the Month of Gathering on the horizon, autumn is bound to be on every Neopian's mind: Pumpkin Spice Coffee at The Coffee Cave on Roo Island, marching through piles of fallen leaves to peruse the wares in the Neopian Bazaar, trips to the Haunted Woods to haunt The Deserted Fairground or do some Apple Bobbing over in Neovia. Ignore the naysayers—it’s never too early to start gathering up your gear for the season! But who has the Neopoints to buy a whole new wardrobe for every season? In THIS economy? Thankfully, there are more customization options in Neopia than there are grains of candy corn, which means there’s something out there for everyone, no matter the budget.

Other Stories


Spooky Companions: A Guide for the Intrepid Neopian
"The daunting task of selecting a Petpet for your Neopet can feel overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be!...There are, however, a whole host of underappreciated, albeit slightly odd Petpets that many overlook..."

by cryistalene


The Spooky Food Shop Exposed
"I’m writing to inform the public of a massive moral atrocity which had been happening right under our noses. It was that outrageous Spooky Food shop in the Haunted Woods..."

by _brainchild_


Castle Planners Journal: The Meridell Day Tragedy
"The crowd of pets attending the Merridel Day festivities were quietly whispering rumours rapidly across the ballroom. Nobody knew who the shouting royal Acara was, but the name Count Durlston was known by a few pets. It was the name of the Skunk Ixi that lived in secrecy in the castle as a prisoner, but that was all..."

by ferretboy85


The Royal Thief Unbound
Written letters rarely bear good news. Collab with breakeven.

by k3l26


Halloween Word Search
Dare to search for spooky words in in this Word Search!

by brookexashleyy


Opera Singing Prodigy
"There's nothing wrong with being different. There's also nothing wrong with opera singing."

by serein

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