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The Neopian Zodiac: An Overview

by kaitlinhoneybee


For many Neopians, getting to know your Neopets is a fun and exciting challenge. As you traverse the world of Neopia together, you build unbreakable bonds. However, even the most synchronous of Neopets and Neopians can sometimes have difficulties. To help you and your Neopets understand each other, I am providing my astrological insight! I review the 12 sun signs of the zodiac and how you can learn to communicate with your Neopet in a way that makes them feel valued, loved, and safe.

     We actually start with the sun sign of Aries (sorry Capricorns!), which spans from the 21st day of the month of Running to the 19th of the month of Eating. The name of the month where Aries first enters the sun accurately describes some of the core traits of Aries--strong-willed, enduring, and energetic. Neopets born under the sun sign of Aries are fierce companions, who will stick with you through all sorts of tribulations. They can be a bit hot-tempered, but are quick to cool down. They are always up for an adventure, no matter how wild it is. You can always count on an Aries Neopet to be forging their own path.

     Several Neopets feel “at home” in the sun sign of Aries. This does not mean that these Neopets are necessarily always Aries Neopets nor that they should be, but rather that they will likely identify with portions of the Aries identifiers regardless of their sun sign.

     At home in the sun sign of Aries are Chomby, Shoyru, Krawk and Lutari.

      Next we have the sun sign of Taurus, which begins on the 20th of the month of Eating through the 20th of the month of Hunting. While Taurus Neopets do enjoy eating (it is in the name of the first month that their sign enters the sun!), they are not merely vacuums that eat just anything--they are true gourmands. Their exquisite taste is not limited only to the category of comestibles. From everything to treats to toys to trips, Taurus Neopets exhibit true taste. They are steadfast, loyal, and caring. They can be a bit hard-headed, but this hard-headedness is matched by their big hearts. A Taurus Neopet is a Neopet you can depend on.

     At home in the sun sign of Taurus are Kougra, Cybunny, Lupe, and Hissi.

     Thirdly, we have Gemini Neopets, who were born between the 21st of the month of Hunting through the 20th of the month of Relaxing. All Neopets of every sun sign are unique, but Gemini Neopets are particularly unparalleled--Gemini Neopets rarely seem similar to each other. They are incredibly curious, intellectual, and communicative. They love to discuss everything with everyone, from the smallest Mootix to the biggest Mynci. This deep interest in all things can lead Gemini Neopets to seem a bit flighty and anxious. However, if you can help your Gemini Neopet to remain grounded, you will always be in for a fantastic conversation or a whimsical escapade. The ethereal flexibility of Gemini Neopets is a true blessing.

     At home in the sun sign of Gemini are Koi, Yurble, Jubjub, Quiggle, Nimmo, and Kau.

     Up next, we take a look at Cancer Neopets, who were born between the 21st of the month of Relaxing and the 22nd of the month of Swimming. Cancerian Neopets are often stereotyped as sensitive--but I want to offer a different word here: Cancerian Neopets are sensible. They are wonderfully intuitive, caring, and empathetic. They value comfort and company above all else. Occasionally, Neopets born under the sign of Cancer can be a bit…well, crabby, for lack of a better term. Because they often play the role of supporter, it can be hard to understand that Cancerian Neopets need support themselves. The emotional bond between a Neopet born under the sign of Cancer and their Neopian is, however, unbreakable, despite any hardships. These Neopets love to stay home and enjoy time with their loved ones--make sure you always let your Cancerian Neopet know exactly how much they mean to you!

     At home in the sun sign of Cancer are Acara, Flotsam, Ixi, Tuskaninny, and Kiko.

      From the 23rd of the month of Swimming, through the 22nd of the month of Hiding, we have the majestic sun sign of Leo. Leonine Neopets are unmistakable. Their presence lights up every single room when they walk in. They are charming, personable, and magnetic. There is no such thing as a dull moment when you have a Neopet born under the sun sign of Leo. Because Leonine Neopets command so much attention from a room, they may get a bit cranky if they feel that you are not fully paying attention to them. I advise you to live in the moment with your Leo Neopet--and honestly, there is no better moment than one spent in the presence of your Neopets.

     At home in the sun sign of Leo are Peophin, Ruki, Blumaroo, and Meerca.

     Next, we see the sun enter the fastidious sign of Virgo. Virgoan Neopets are born between the 23rd of the month of Hiding and the 22nd of the month of Gathering. These Neopets know how to keep calm and collected in the face of chaos. They are methodical thinkers who will always try their best to help you solve a problem (or two or twenty). Neopets born under the sign of Virgo understand that hard work and attention to detail can overcome almost any challenge. Virgoan Neopets feel a deep need to help others, and, because of this, they often neglect themselves. The best thing you can do for a Neopet born under the sun sign of Virgo shows them that you support them in everything they do!

     At home in the sun sign of Virgo are Grundo, Kyrii, Draik, Techo, and Poogle.

     Born between the 23rd of the month of Gathering and the 22nd of the month of Collecting, we turn to the sun sign of Libra. The ultimate diplomats, Libra Neopets are not a fan of conflict. They are experts in bringing together Neopians who seem to be at complete odds with one another. In other words, Libra Neopets bring harmony. They are level-headed and collected. However, their need to keep the peace often results in them failing to voice their own needs. Your Libra Neopet may need some gentle guidance on how to use their own voice. Because of their judicious nature, Libra Neopets are fantastic companions for all Neopians, regardless of their differences.

     At home in the sun sign of Libra are Skeith, Grarrl, Eyrie, Bori, and Jetsam.

     The next sun sign is Scorpio, with these Neopets being born between the 23rd of the month of Collecting and the 21st of the month of Storing. Scorpio Neopets have a reputation for being mysterious. The mystery of a Scorpio Neopet is part of the intrigue, but let us demystify these misunderstood Neopets briefly. Scorpio Neopets are ambitious and can be stoic. This stoicness is not coldness, but rather an analytical orientation to the world. Because of this, Scorpio Neopets are fearless defenders of the Neopians closest to them. Despite their outward stoicism, Scorpio Neopets sometimes need reassurance that those closest to them would do the same for them. Always be sure to show your Scorpio Neopet (and all your Neopets) the same compassion and devotion they show to you!

     At home in the sun sign of Scorpio are Korbat, Pteri, and Vandagyre.

     The 22nd of the month of Storing to the 21st of the month of Celebrating enters into the sun sign of Sagittarius. While the season may be cold, the sun sign of Sagittarius is anything but. These quick-witted Neopets can often shock a silent room into peals of laughter. They are gregarious, spontaneous, and intelligent. They are also extremely energetic, and because of this, they may become easily bored, which may lead them to brood. It is important to teach your Sagittarius Neopet that patience is a virtue. Multi-faceted and quick to learn, Sagittarian Neopets are capable of incredible feats. A Sagittarius Neopet will never do anything less than impress.

     At home in the sun sign of Sagittarius are Usul, Bruce, and Wocky.

     Up next, we have the sun sign of Capricorn. These Neopets were born between the 22nd of the month of Celebrating and the 19th of the month of Sleeping. Like the months in which the sun resides in their sign, Capricorn Neopets can seem to have quite stark juxtapositions within their personalities. They are at once calculated and caring, sensible and sensitive, patient and picky. To some, Capricorn Neopets may seem quite prickly, but to those, I say: remember that Capricorn is a sign of endurance. It may take quite a while for a Capricorn Neopet to warm up to you, but once they do, you have an inseparable bond. Your Capricorn Neopet may be critical of you, but it is important that you do not take this as an attack on your character--it is simply your Capricorn Neopet telling you how to best communicate with them. As with all your Neopets, regardless of the sun sign, I advise you to listen.

     At home in the sun sign of Capricorn are Ogrin, Aisha, Gnorbu, Buzz, and Elephante.

     Neopets born between the 20th of the month of Hiding and the 18th of the month of Awakening are born under the sun sign of Aquarius. This sign is similar to Gemini in its individuality. Aquarian Neopets vary wildly in personality, from aloof to intense. Neopets born under this sun are witty, adaptable, and idealistic. They will always expect the best from you and can find themselves easily disappointed if they feel you are not reciprocating their love. It can be hard to understand where this comes from, as Aquarian Neopets often do not verbally affirm their affection for you. To keep these special Neopets feeling appreciated, make sure to show your love by treating them to the things they love most. For these intelligent Neopets, a book often makes a perfect gift. Be ready to discuss it with them afterwards!

     At home in the sun sign of Aquarius are Kacheek, Zafara, Lenny, and Chia.

     Last, but certainly not least, we have Neopets born under the sun sign of Pisces. These Neopets were born between the 19th of the month of Awakening and the 20th of the month of Running. Pisces Neopets are creative, empathetic, and kind. They are down for almost any type of adventure--flexibility is the keyword for these lovely Neopets. They care deeply about those around them, and sometimes they can find themselves nursing hurt feelings. For Neopians with Pisces Neopets, emotional support is vital. Your Pisces Neopet loves to be there for others--and it's your job to be there for them.

     At home in the sun sign of Pisces are Tonu, Mynci, Uni, Gelert, and Scorchio.

     Well, we have covered all the months that comprise the Neopian year! Whether you are just starting out your journey with your Neopets or you have been here for a while, I hope this article provided you with some insight into how best to interact with your Neopets. As always, each Neopet is an individual--this is not a definitive or exhaustive list of all the things that make our Neopets very special companions!

     Take care, and remember that our fate is written in the stars.


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