Invisible Paint Brushes rock Circulation: 197,205,082 Issue: 972 | 4th day of Storing, Y24
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Spooky Companions: A Guide for the Intrepid Neopian

by cryistalene


The daunting task of selecting a Petpet for your Neopet can feel overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be! Many owners lean towards the fluffiest and cutest Petpets on the market. The ever-popular Kadoatie is a fan favourite and the adorable Faellie never fails to induce smiles. There are, however, a whole host of underappreciated, albeit slightly odd Petpets that many overlook. I am here to enlighten you on the redeeming qualities of the most endearing “spooky” Petpets. I challenge you to put aside your preferences and biases for a short time and look past the sliminess and eeriness that many Neopians shun. I am also here to offer advice on the topic of care for these unique and exotic creatures.

     1. The Graceful Ghostkerchief: This incredible Petpet tops our list today for a number of reasons. While Ghostkerchiefs are known to startle unsuspecting pedestrians and bare their sharp teeth in moments of fright I am here to tell you that this Petpet is “all bark and no bite”. Ghostkerchiefs are remarkably social and friendly creatures. They often follow their prospective owners for a time before making themselves known as it takes them some time to warm up, but once they have chosen their owner they are as loyal as a Spardel. However, there are a few things you must know about these Petpets before deciding upon keeping them. Firstly, Ghostkerchiefs take great pleasure in hiding. They prefer to live in larger homes with lots of furniture and they favour attics and basements. If you live in an urban apartment, this might not be the Petpet for you. You and your Neopet should also be aware that the behaviour of hiding goes hand-in-hand with the behaviour of startling housemates. These pranksters are notorious for appearing suddenly from the shadows and surprising their owners. While some Neopets find this particular game hilarious and entertaining, others are less amused. It is also worth noting that while Ghostkerchiefs do enjoy plenty of attention and socialization, they do not require any food! This is a significant perk for the Neopian on a budget.

     2. The Glorious Gangee: If you have ever found yourself in the presence of a Gangee, you likely wondered to yourself what is going on behind those bulbous eyes. Many find the gaze of the Gangee to be unsettling at best, and downright terrifying at worst. I am happy to allay that unfounded discomfort. While Gangees are known to stare, researchers believe this behaviour is linked to their heightened intelligence. Their observant nature allows Gangees to better understand their owners and bond with them. Those who own these sensitive creatures will attest to how tuned in they are to their owners' emotions. Your Gangee will be the first to notice if you are having a hard day and offer you a comforting paw. In addition to their empathic tendencies, Gangees are known to have the best hearing of any Petpet in Neopia. They are quick to alert you to danger or intruders which is just one more reason to invest in this amazing Petpet. One thing that any prospective Gangee owner must know is that they are voracious eaters. They require a great deal of sustenance, though they are not known to be picky. Many Gangees are perfectly content to gobble up old or bland food that you may be tempted to throw out. Just don’t expect to have any leftovers in your fridge if there is a Gangee in your home!

     3. The Sensational Sklyde: Sklydes are perhaps the most misunderstood Petpet in Neopia. At first glance, Sklydes’ appearance may be off-putting, but what they lack in conventional cuteness they more than make up for in loyalty and courage. Sklydes are fiercely protective of their owners and many a Sklyde has received accolades for saving the life of their Neopet. Just last month, an oblivious Vandagyre was hiking through the Haunted Woods when they sat down for lunch under a precariously perched boulder. Their pet Sklyde pulled them from harm's way just as the boulder came crashing down the mountainside. This would not surprise anyone who has had experience with this species of Petpet. In addition to their loyalty, Sklydes are known for their fun and adventurous disposition. They make wonderful pets for energetic baby Neopets, as they never tire. It is also worth considering the benefits of having an undead Petpet, as you will never be faced with an untimely demise or illness. If you are looking for a lifetime companion, this Petpet is for you. You may be wondering what it would be like to snuggle such a bony beast, and the truth is that it can be uncomfortable. I highly recommend investing in some cozy sweaters or blankets for your Sklyde so that you can enjoy each other’s company without accidental injuries. Unappreciated Sklydes are often donated to the Money Tree, so if you are in the market for this fearless companion you may be able to adopt one there.

     4. The Beautiful Blorpulous: The Blorpulous may be unassuming, but do not let their shyness fool you. These creatures have much to offer and might just be the perfect fit for your Neohome. Although Blorpulous have large feet and a pair of wings, they are not particularly active Petpets. They are actually quite sedentary, making them an ideal match for elderly Neopets or those that prefer to spend their time indoors. If it is cuddliness that you seek, look no further. These Petpets are often referred to as “the snuggliest blobs around”. Although they lack fur, their squishy bodies make for excellent snuggles. An obvious perk to this Petpet is that you will never spend your weekends vacuuming as they don’t shed! One thing you should be aware of when considering a Blorpulous for your newest family member is that they often form a very strong bond with their Neopet. Once they have bonded to their owner, they do not like to be left home alone or cared for by anyone else. They would much rather spend their days perched on the shoulder of their beloved owner. If co-dependence is your style, this Petpet will be your greatest friend.

     5. The Charming Clompkin: Does your Neopet wish it was “spooky season” all year long? Do you craft your pet’s trick-or-treating costume months in advance? The Clompkin may just be the perfect fit for your family. Clompkins are known for their hilarious antics and jovial personalities. You may often hear laughter emanating from homes in which these adorable Petpets reside. The trait that Clompkins are best known for is their clumsiness, which may be the result of having very limited peripheral vision. These Petpets do best in homes that are small and uncluttered. Stairs are the Clompkin’s worst enemy. If you live in a smaller home or are in need of some entertainment, this Petpet is worth looking into.

     If you are curious to learn more about any of the Petpets listed here be sure to stop by Spooky Petpets in the Haunted Woods. The shopkeeper there will be glad to assist you in making an informed decision about your next family member. If you are interested in a Petpet that is a little bit more than ordinary, these extraordinary Petpets are bound to warm your heart.


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