Come dance with the Wanderers... Circulation: 197,205,082 Issue: 972 | 4th day of Storing, Y24
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Night of the Evil Coconuts

by cazcazig


Long before the invention of the famous Coco Whip Slushie, a small tribe of coconut people had discovered the only place where the Neopian Chocolate River meets the Cream Waterfall. The resulting mixtures were collected by the Pango Tribe and given to young Neopets as treats. The wise elders of the tribe, Umma Bunga, Cinto Pango, and Tshimba Pango, all vowed to protect and maintain the Mallow Jungle. The chief, Umma Bunga, placed a hand over his mouth and vowed to "speak no evil". Cinto Pango covered each side of his face and vowed to "hear no evil". The warrior, Tshimba Pango, blocked his eyes and vowed to "see no evil". These became the three laws which governed the Pango Tribe and ensured a willingness to be good in mind, speech and action.

      Many tourists booked tickets for a tour guide through the Mallow Jungle. Neopets across the globe were fascinated by the coconut people because their eyes and mouths were carved hollow. It was a strange appearance, far different from average Neopets. Among the tourists was a student of the Mystery Island Training School, an ambidextrous skunk Mynci named Leigume. He was currently on a course which would determine his Level. The task required him to make it to Umbuku Island and have his fortune told by the Island Mystic. It sounded simple enough, but the obstacles ahead would prove to be the most arduous.

      The Tiki Tour Guide had reached its final destination near the outskirts of Mallow Jungle. Echoes of haunting chants could be heard from afar. Leigume made sure to leave a tip for the Tiki Tour Guide before exiting the carriage. His swirly nostrils began to pucker as he caught the scent of a burning furnace. The smell was so captivating that it looked as if the skunk Mynci was carried away by its fumes. The steaming aroma led him off course and onto the site of an enormous cooking pot. A group of coconut people were dancing around the cauldron, chanting in their native language. They were accompanied by the Island Faerie, Jhuidah. She hovered over the pot, twirling a large spoon as it boiled. Leigume did his best to remain hidden behind a line of plurby bushes. A few moments later, he was spotted by Tshimba Pango. The coconut warrior hurled a pair of Cocobolas around Leigume's feet. The ominous chanting came to a sudden halt as Tshimba dragged the skunk Mynci towards the crowd.

     "This area is currently reserved for the Pango tribe! Who dare come before the great cooking pot?" Chief Umma Bunga demanded answers. Tshimba's jagged spear was held inches from Leigume's throat. A simple thrust could end his life on the spot. However, Cinto Pango, the chief's adviser, quickly raised his hand as a signal to stop. Tshimba obeyed and lowered his spear in response.

     "Wait! There is something unique about this Mynci. I sense great power within him, as if he were blessed by the spirit of the Earth. Who are you?" The coconut advisor asked.

     Unlike the usual coconut people, Cinto Pango spoke fluently in the common tongue as well as their native Pango language. After all, it was the duty of Cinto to announce the new fruits of Gadgadsbogen each year.

     "I am Leigume, son of Trickster Llugh. I pose no threat to you and your people. I only wish to pass through the Mallow Jungle."

     "I see, and what offering have you brought for the great Mumbo Pango? It is forbidden to interrupt our ceremony, but to interrupt without an offering is an even greater offense", Cinto warned.

     Leigume struggled to think of an answer. He hesitantly handed over the only food that was tucked up his sleeve, an almost blackened banana.

     Cinto Pango carefully passed the banana to the Faerie, Jhuidah.

     "What else do you have to offer? The great Mumbo Pango is BIG and requires a lot of sustenance", said the coconut advisor.

     "Should our god be displeased, you must be sacrificed instead," added the Chief.

     Leigume took a deep breath, one that could very well be his last. He kneeled on the ground and grasped the dirt at his feet.

     "Faeries of Neopia, please guide me with the element of Earth," he whispered with both eyes closed.

      The skunk Mynci opened his soiled hand and there was a wriggling grub at the center of his palm. He presented the squirming larvae to Cinto Pango. After both offerings were dropped into the pot, its innards began to boil rapidly before spewing a scrumptious Banana Grub meal. Suddenly, the ground shook, the waves rumbled, and a large shadow engulfed the entire vicinity. It was the shadow of the great Mumbo Pango. The mountainous coconut god swallowed the Banana Grub whole and was pleased. Umma Bunga and the other two elders welcomed the deity in their native language. Mumbo Pango wanted to personally thank the one who prepared his meal. Even though the elders were reluctant to reveal the Mynci, they were obligated to honor Mumbo Pango's request.

     "Son of Trickster Llugh," the chief beckoned. "Step forward please. The great Mumbo Pango wishes to meet you."

     The skunk Mynci was more fearful than honored. He cleared his throat and approached with caution.

     "Um, hey there, Mr. Coconut god. Nice to meet you," said Leigume in an unconfident tone.

     Mumbo Pango was fascinated by what he saw. With just two fingers, he lifted the skunk Mynci by his swirly tail and said something facetious that Leigume couldn't comprehend.

     "Mumbo Pango finds your appearance quite amusing," said Cinto. "He has requested that you serve as his personal jester. It is an offer only a fool would turn down." Leigume was left with no choice but to delay his mission until there was an opportunity to get away.

      The Pango tribe marched back to their village, chanting spooky tunes for entertainment. Leigume pretended to sing along in delight. He was constantly looking over his shoulder for a chance to escape, but there were coconut people everywhere, and Mumbo Pango's range of vision seemed to extend beyond the perimeter of the Island. When the tribesmen arrived home, they quickly began setting up for the welcoming festival. Mumbo Pango sat on a massive throne forged from fallen trees. He finally released Leigume from his grasp. The skunk Mynci was carried like an action figure up until this point. He was beginning to feel more like a Petpet than a jester. Unfortunately, there was no time to gain his composure. The belly of the coconut god began to rumble once more.

     "Fear not, coconut god! I have a solution", Leigume insisted. He stretched his flexible fingers and made a few strange hand gestures before summoning great earth power. A technique only those who have been blessed by a Faerie are permitted to have.

     "Earth Faerie ability, Great Feast!" A large banquet fell from the sky like magic. Flotato-Stuffed Turkey, Baked Pumpkin Bread, Choccy Corn, and all. Everything was hot and ready to be eaten. It was a feast large enough to feed the whole tribe! The coconut people thanked Leigume for his contribution. The skunk Mynci was flattered by the applause. His pale white cheeks turned rosy red as he blushed. His recognition made the coconut god jealous. After all, this was supposed to be his welcoming party.

     After witnessing Leigume's skill, the coconut people longed for more.

     "This food is not so bad," said chief Umma Bunga. "Show us more of what you can do, Mynci."

     "Alrighty then. Tell me, what is it you wish to see? Would you like another tasty treat, or would you like to see a fancy trick?"

     "A TRICK, A TRICK, SHOW US A TRICK!" They all shouted.

     "Very well, a trick it is then." Leigume cleared his throat and cracked his knuckles. "I call this one, Magic Berries!"

     The skunk Mynci miraculously pulled seven flaming Bomberries from his sleeves and began juggling them all. He maintained his balance for a few seconds longer before launching them into the sky.


      The Bomberries exploded simultaneously in mid-air, giving the appearance of vibrant fireworks. While the coconut people were still mesmerized by the sight, Leigume took the opportunity to take back his freedom. He performed another Earth Faerie ability known as, Burrow. An escape tunnel opened beneath his feet. When the remnants of the fireworks had cleared, Leigume was nowhere to be found. Nothing but a gaping hole was left in the spot where he once stood. It wasn't long before Mumbo Pango figured out what was going on. He grew furious, stomping the ground frantically. An earthquake was triggered that rattled the entire island. The immense magnitude stopped Leigume in his tracks. The skunk Mynci had no choice but to return to the surface for air.

      Mumbo Pango did not like to be made a fool of. It only brought out the worst in him. Even the sun fled from his rage and the day became like night. The coconut god released a boisterous battle cry that turned the entire tribe into Evil Coconut people. Their once hollow eye sockets became engulfed in flames. The three laws which governed the tribe no longer had dominion over their minds. They became void of empathy, violent creatures driven by hate.

     "Earth Faerie ability, Magic Pebbles!" Leigume managed to fend a few of them off with rapidly fired stones, but there were too many of them, all equipped with burning torches, not to mention the gigantic deity at their back. Leigume used his Twisting Vines ability to swing from one branch to another. This bought him some time to come up with a plan.

      The skunk Mynci led the possessed tribe into the midst of the chocolate river and cream waterfall. He pelted the coconut god directly in the eye with a single pebble. The deity lost his vision for a short period before tripping over the twisting vines. He fell straight into the chocolate river face first. The resulting mixture put out the flames inside his head. Everyone in the Pango tribe had returned to normalcy. The sound of three deep gulps could be heard as the coconut god drank from the chocolate river. Mumbo Pango was completely bloated as a result. Unfortunately, the marvellous site which the elders promised to protect was now dried out.

     "How can we ever repay you for releasing us from that evil curse?" asked the chief.

     "Well there is something," Leigume hinted...

      Mumbo Pango agreed to help Leigume cross over to Umbuku Island. He climbed onto his bulky shoulder and held on tight. In just a few big steps, Leigume was at the front door of the Island Mystics hut. "Thank you, great Mumbo Pango. The two touched palms before the coconut deity leapt into the air. His mighty voice rattled the sky like a thunder clap. "Goodbye, son of Trickster Llugh".

     The End.

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