The most fantastic thing in the universe! Circulation: 197,181,546 Issue: 970 | 7th day of Collecting, Y24
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Playing Buried Treasure

by siroo

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A Comprehensive Guide to Elder-Care
I am a social worker, and do home safety assessments and case management for seniors.

by cryistalene


More Gross Foods That Aren't as Gross as You Think
"Hello! After a long time, we’re back with part 2 of maligned “gross” foods. Yes, there are more!"

by yzhen_121993


Interviewing the Chairmain with Way Too Long a Title
Celebrating Altador Cup XVII with 17 Questions

by sir_serene


Life as a Pea Chia
Pllumpy the Pea Chia lived on a small garden and farm house located in the kingdom of Brightvale. Sally, owner of the estate, had two other Neopets, Lance the Spotted Gelert and Gust the White Pteri. However, Plumpy was, without a doubt, her favorite. Life was good here, or so he thought...

by redpirate21

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