Enter the Snowflake's lair... Circulation: 197,181,546 Issue: 970 | 7th day of Collecting, Y24
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Short Stories


Grenth glided in a lazy circle over the summit of the highest mountain in Tyrannia. The camouflage Skeith's variegated greys would allow him to easily hide among the rocks and foliage on the ground, but now... collab with kebicorn

by joanna_lewis
Life as a Pea Chia

Pllumpy the Pea Chia lived on a small garden and farm house located in the kingdom of Brightvale. Sally, owner of the estate, had two other Neopets, Lance the Spotted Gelert and Gust the White Pteri. However, Plumpy was, without a doubt, her favorite. Life was good here, or so he thought...

by redpirate21
The Greenest Glyme

Being different might just make you a hero.

by i_lovee_icecream
Baelia's Detective Agency

Located on the outskirts of Faerie City, my Detective Agency is there to help any Faerie in need. Unfortunately...

by pikapi20
White River Crossing

Rohane clutched his aching side. It wasn’t much farther now. Soon, he would find an inn in White River City, rest, and buy the potions that he sorely needed. On the edge of his vision...

by parody_ham
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"White River Crossing" by parody_ham
Rohane clutched his aching side. It wasn’t much farther now. Soon, he would find an inn in White River City, rest, and buy the potions that he sorely needed. On the edge of his vision, he saw a bright glimmer. Could that be the city? But why was the light swirling and fading? He lifted his legs as if they were made of stone. With how bruised they were from Zombom’s barrage of magical blasts they might as well have been. “Next time,” the words came out as a wheeze, “I’m bringing more healing potions.” Perhaps that collision with the cave wall shattered more than his spare sword. He stumbled a few steps, barely catching himself in time.

Other Stories


A Comprehensive Guide to Elder-Care
I am a social worker, and do home safety assessments and case management for seniors.

by cryistalene


More Gross Foods That Aren't as Gross as You Think
"Hello! After a long time, we’re back with part 2 of maligned “gross” foods. Yes, there are more!"

by yzhen_121993


And Time Stood Still - Part 3
"Penelope lugged the Baabackpack into the Neohome. They had patched up all the broken windows in this abandoned Neohome, and now a fire glowed softly in the fireplace."

by kaitlinhoneybee


A Hero's Journey: It Takes Two - Part 6
"Meridell’s forest seemed to stretch out for miles before them, with the castle nowhere in sight and the sun beginning to set. Jeran and Rohane looked at Will, who was breathing hard and uncorking a skin of water as he sat down under a tree." Thumbnail by twillieblossom

by precious_katuch14


Random Oddness
Brains or brawn, you can only pick one.

by mistyqee


Too Meta?
Medieval artists were trying, okay?

by procy_on

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