Invisible Paint Brushes rock Circulation: 197,348,726 Issue: 978 | 10th day of Running, Y25
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The Royal Thief Unbound

by k3l26


The cure for boredom is curiosity.

     Thalse and Vatalyn were already on the roof, speaking in hushed tones. They turned to see Veifira arriving.

     “Nice entrance,” Thalse said, amused. Veifira could sense an undercurrent of sarcasm. “If only I haven’t been hearing you since you opened the window in your room, I would say that was well done.”

     Veifira ignored his comment, looking between them and then just at Thalse. “You said midnight,” she said, trying to keep an accusatory tone out of her voice.

     “I did,” Thalse replied. “I said midnight on the roof, I didn’t say I wouldn’t be here earlier.”

     “The best kind of information comes before and after, not during,” Vatalyn said. “Have I not taught you anything in these past few months?”

     Veifira looked down, embarrassed. He was right, the valuable information didn’t always happen during the designated time, it was often the moments before, and what people did after.

     “For example,” Vatalyn continued. “Thalse’s been here for about an hour, hasn’t he?”

     Thalse laughed. “I have. Didn’t want to wait in that stuffy room. It might be the presidential suite, but outside suits me better. Not that Vatalyn came up much later than that.”

     Vatalyn scowled. “Well, my reason is obvious. The organizers put me and my father in the same quarters.” He shivered. “I know he’s the one that requested it, I’m sure he thought he could get some father-son bonding time.”

     “Won’t he realize you’re missing?” Veifira asked.

     Vatalyn shrugged. “I’m always missing.”

     Thalse cleared his throat to get their attention. They both looked at him. “Let’s come to the matter at hand,” Thalse said.

     “And what exactly is that?” Veifira asked.

     “The Tyrannian elders came to knowledge that some nefarious representatives would be using this conference as a way to convene,” Thalse answered. “In short, they used this opportunity to meet without suspicion. I was hired to infiltrate their network and get ahead of their plotting. They had to source someone from the outside, someone neutral who could gain their trust.”

     “And they chose you, with your reputation,” Veifira said dubiously. “How did they even find you?”

     “I have my connections. And my skills speak for themselves,” Thalse said. “They speak louder than my reputation, actually.”

     “What are you getting paid for this?”

     Thalse smirked. “Honestly?”

     Veifira wondered if this was the first time Thalse was ever fully honest with her. She braced herself for his answer.

     Thalse continued, “Oh that? That’s the best part, I get to stave away boredom.”

     Veifira blinked. He looked completely serious. She looked to Vatalyn for help.

     Vatalyn laughed. “The cost of Thalse’s services,” he confirmed, nodding. “As long as the request piques his interest enough, he’ll do it. I wasn’t joking when I said he was the perfect candidate. He’s incorruptible.”

     “High praise, Vat,” Thalse replied. “I wouldn’t have used the word perfect.”

     “What now?” Veifira asked, interjecting. “What do you need me and Vat for?”

     “Actually,” Thalse said, turning to face her. “I only need you.”

     Veifira was taken aback. “I’m sorry, what?”

     “I only need you,” Thalse repeated. “Actually, you’re the only one who can do it.”

     “I, I can’t infiltrate anything,” Veifira stammered. “They would know who I am in a moment.”

     Thalse laughed. “That part is already done.”

     “What do you mean? When?” Veifira asked. But the moment the words left her lips, she knew. At the dining hall, in plain sight. She had spent so much time focusing on Thalse during dinner, she completely overlooked his company – the representatives for Haunted Woods, Hubrid Nox and Vira, Darigan Citadel, Lord Darigan and Lord Kass, and Virtupets, Dr Sloth and his agent Sophix II. She almost hit her forehead.

     Knowing that Veifira had figured out the answer herself, Thalse continued. “They have concocted a plan to raid the other lands while their representatives are gathered here. I need you to steal the physical copy of it and the elders will inform the leaders and deal with the rest. The only time it won’t be guarded is during the conference tomorrow.”

     “Why me?” Veifira asked. “Why can’t Vat do it?”

     “If he’s missing tomorrow, it’ll raise suspicion. Vatalyn has more political presence than you, which is not saying much, because yours is numerically zero.”

     “Who’s saying that?”

     “Everyone,” Thalse and Vatalyn replied in union.

     “Hm,” Veifira mused. She wasn’t going to argue with that. But it made her realize just how powerful Astael was. Even though Veifira carried no weight, Astael was able to make Lost Desert one of the leading powers on her own. Veifira nodded, determined. “Leave it to me.”

     The three of them spent some time planning for the next day, working under the moonlight. It was mostly an exchange between Thalse and Veifira, but Vatalyn lingered around to give advice. When they had completed, they left their respective ways. Veifira readied herself to scale back down to her room.

     “Get some rest,” Vatalyn called out to Veifira. “Big day tomorrow, dear.”

     Dear? Veifira thought, scoffing. Maybe he was just being condescending. “I will. See you, Vat,” she responded, before hopping down.

     When she reached her room, she glided softly through the window. Astael was fast asleep, which only made Veifira realize how exhausted she was as well. Veifira slid her shoes off and collapsed onto the bed, drifting off to sleep immediately.

     Morning came just as quickly. Warm rays of light spilt into the room, rousing Veifira. Remembering her assignment from last night, she jolted awake. What time was it?

     “Good morning,” Astael called out. She was seated in front of the vanity table, putting on finishing touches to her outfit. She was wearing a white silk top with brown, wide-legged pants that covered her strappy heels. Gone was the delicate gown of yesterday, Astael was outfitted to partake in today’s conference.

     If Astael was still here, that meant the meeting hadn’t started yet. Veifira settled back down, trying to get more rest while she still could.

     “What time is it?” Veifira asked.

     “Quarter past eleven. Breakfast?” Astael gestured to a rolling cart by the front door. There were covered plates, evidentially food had been delivered while Veifira had slept. “It might be a bit cold now, though. I didn’t want to wake you, you were sleeping so peacefully.”

     “Maybe later,” Veifira replied. “Look, is it alright if – if, uh…” Veifira trailed off, remembering what Thalse and Vatalyn had said last night, about her complete lack of political presence. Was she that much of a burden to her sister?

     “You don’t have to come,” Astael said gently. “I can handle myself, you know.”

     “I know that,” Veifira replied. “It’s just, you know, you could have invited someone more involved, so I feel guilty.”

     Astael shook her head. “There’s no one else I’d rather have representing the desert.” Sensing hesitation from her sister, Astael added, “Really.”

     “Okay,” Veifira said, satisfied. “Are you headed out now? The conference starts at noon.” Naturally, she was briefed on that last night.

     “Oh, yes,” Astael said, standing up. “I believe I have some people to talk to before the meeting starts. Some people are still undecided on work permits between the desert and Haunted Woods, since the lands are connected by land.” She paused. “I won’t bore you. Eat something before you leave, won’t you?”

     “Mhm.” Veifira nodded. “Have a great day, Astael.”

     After her sister left, Veifira spent some more time in bed before suddenly leaping up. Vatalyn’s words from before echoed in her mind, that the most valuable information comes from the before and the after. She needed to make sure the target representatives actually left their rooms, and the best way to figure that out is to arrive early. She quickly changed clothes, swapping her light-coloured clothing for a dark turtleneck top and form-fitting black pants. She pulled on her worn leather boots, her Dark Thief signature, lacing them up tightly. Her attire was conspicuous at a place like this, but Veifira wasn’t planning on being seen, anyway. She stuffed a pair of black gloves into her pockets. She would need them later, but she preferred scaling building walls barehanded.

     As per Thalse’s instructions, Veifira made her way to one of the lower rooms. The windows were closed, and Veifira could still hear people talking inside.

     “Attending this conference is an absolute waste of time, we should just get on with the plan,” came a voice from inside.

     Veifira was around enough to know that voice belonged to Lord Darigan.

     “Now, now,” came another voice that was unmistakably that of Dr Sloth. “Wouldn’t that raise suspicion? My subordinate is taking care of the preliminary preparations.”

     “We should head out,” a high-pitched female voice chimed in. Veifira assumed that was Vira speaking. “I so do enjoy being treated like royalty. The food here is simply divine. It’s a shame it’ll all end once our plan comes to fruition.”

     Veifira heard the three of them shuffle out of the room, the door closing behind them. She waited a few moments in case one of them came back. When she was sure she was in the clear, she pulled a small pin out of her hair and began to pick the window lock. It opened with a satisfying click. Putting on her gloves, she slid the window up and slid through.

     She was in.

To be continued…

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» The Royal Thief Unbound
» The Royal Thief Unbound
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