Chet Flash wuz here Circulation: 197,348,726 Issue: 978 | 10th day of Running, Y25
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Continued Series

Geographical Guide to the Best Recipes in Every Land

"After many weeks of exploring the varied lands of Neopia, our adventurers have arrived at their final destination: Neopian Central, the heart of Neopia." Collab with cutiepie4707

by doglover3662
The Royal Thief Unbound

"The cure for boredom is curiosity..." Collab with breakeven

by k3l26
Mordred the concertmaster

"The day of the talent show. Nessa, the twins and I were all excited..."

by cyber1ofkakoradesert
A Hero's Journey: Seasons (for issue 975)

"'Summer brings with it both the comfort of warmth and the challenge of the heat. Summer cannot exist without both...'"

by precious_katuch14
Valentine Mystery Noir

"'Can I help you Sssssir?' Harrison Hissi asked me carefully while observing my posture and..." Collab with superkathiee

by honorrolle
Search the Neopian Times


"The Swashbuckler's Sword" by werelupe_king23
It all started at the Swashbuckling Academy on Krawk Island. The three-legged Eyrie and former pirate, Cap'n Threelegs, was ready to present his top pupil from this particular class he had been teaching for a few months now a Cap'n Threelegs Training Sword. It was something he gave only to the best Neopians at the Swashbuckling Academy. However, he had unfortunately misplaced it. He could not fathom where he had put it. It was probably due to his memory, as he was getting on in years and was not the type to misplace things. The students wouldn't dare touch it, either. After all, the old Eyrie could be rather stern. He needed to find the Training Sword quickly, though. Although it was technically a training tool, it was extremely dangerous in the hands of an Eyrie. Only an Eyrie could harness the true power of the Cap'n Threelegs Training Sword. That was why the Cap'n decided to have the top pupil in question, a Sketch Eyrie called Apollo, aid him in this small quest. He knew Apollo would make a fine swashbuckler one day. This would be the Sketch Eyrie's first quest, albeit an unofficial one.

Other Stories


I Was Abducted by Alien Aishas!
"As Aliiv stepped out of the Rainbow Fountain, she noticed something very strange..."

by chesschocolate


The Swashbuckler's Sword
Two Eyries searching for a sword end up on a mini adventure.

by werelupe_king23


A Guide to Guild Success: Part 1
Trying to get into the world of Guild-ing? This guide might help you get started! Collab with miseryprevalent

by sosunub


Your Neo-Horoscope For Today.
Horoscopes: based on completely solid scientific evidence!

by spidey897


Lab Ray Shenanigans
Hee hee hee!

by cuku1902


Surprise holidays!
Good Neopians always give surprises to their pets!

by querba

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