A Waffle Paradise Circulation: 197,257,326 Issue: 975 | 13th day of Sleeping, Y25
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Neopets Pixel Cross Puzzle #6

by krabby_55

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Avatar Giver Support Group
It can be tough being an Avatar Giver! Collab with t0tor0

by serein


"Velm let out a contented sigh as he finished the last sentence of his newest work..."

by parody_ham


Dinner with the Scarlets: Another Special Issue
What a difference?

by june_scarlet


A Plea For The Weewoo
"While White Weewoos are admired for their beautiful, pure feathers and the fact they’re utilized as mail carriers for the Neopian Times, other Weewoos are seen as little more than pests in many cases. This is an absolute shame, because all Weewoos are beautiful."

by kunabee_tiger

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