Neopia's Fill-in-the-blank News Source Circulation: 197,257,326 Issue: 975 | 13th day of Sleeping, Y25
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Short Stories


"Velm let out a contented sigh as he finished the last sentence of his newest work..."

by parody_ham
The desert adventures of Coltzan and a Weewoo

"Ethan ruefully surveyed the giant stack of dusty scrolls in front of him..." Collab with eiligr & zentrius

by witfer
A Weewoo’s Legacy, Never Unfinished

"A grassy knoll in Brightvale was home to a community of Weewoos. There were many different colors which were bound to..."

by _brainchild_
Tilly's Traveling Treasures


by sleepiestkitty
The Weewoo’s Nightmare During the 975th

"Today will seem like any other day to most of the Neopets who live in Neopia..."

by starofcolors
Miracles may......

Every story has an end. But dreams never ends.

by daveandbaltoro
Time Traveller

"The lights of Landelbrot’s laboratory started flickering, sparks of electricity began to dance across the room, and a strange sound rang in Landelbrot and Scintilly’s ears..."

by leo_flores
The Weewoo Who Couldn’t Write

"All Weewoo’s write or draw for the Neopian Times. That is just how it is, how it has always been..."

by marshclan13_
975 - A Faerie Number

Always listen to your faeries...

by i_lovee_icecream
The White Weewoo friend

"You finish climbing the path up Terror Mountain and make your way through the streets to the Wintery Petpet store..."

by hunni_bun_137
Capitulations of the Fae

"'Alright, now, your parents should be here any moment.' The little Kacheek looked up to the light faerie guiding them..."

by gentle_lil_queen
A Tale of the Faerie Queen

"Fyora took a few steps forward, deeper into the clouds of Faerieland..."

by saqo
Nine Hundred and Seventy-Five Hours

"Meekel doesn’t know why he starts counting again. He hasn’t counted the days since some time into his fifth year in Darigan Citadel’s dungeons as a prisoner of a war that ended..."

by crazyboutcute
The Woojit That Could...

Woojit the Slorg ends up on a riveting and memorable adventure.

by waterfaerie_01
975 Ways to Say I’m Sorry

"Fyora looked down at the sparkling neon-pink quill in her hand, uncertain..." Collab with wizzy13_7

by smart100000
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"A Weewoo’s Legacy, Never Unfinished" by _brainchild_
A grassy knoll in Brightvale was home to a community of Weewoos. There were many different colours which were bound to amuse the onlooker. The softness of a plushie, the radiance of a rainbow, or the ravishing robes of a royal princess were bound to delight. Each year, the Weewoos would compete in a flying race around Brightvale in honour of the Neopian Times’ special edition ending in 25, 50, 75, or 00. The enthusiasm for this anticipated event was even more exuberant than the shiny feathers of its participants. Not a Weewoo could be found who stuck their beak up and refused to enter. Out of all the Weewoos, Angela the White Weewoo was known for her adeptness at flight, a skill without parallel. She had been practising ever since she was grown enough to fly. Angela usually won; in fact, her fellow Weewoos could only recall a single year in which another soul took the title. While most Weewoos participated primarily for amusement...

Other Stories


Celebrating the 10th Neopies Anniversary: Top Awards
"The Neopies is an annual event that takes place during the Month of Sleeping or Awakening, where Neopians get to vote for the best (and sometimes worst) events of the year prior."

by darkobsession


9 Items Under 75 Neopoints for your Y25 Resolutions
"The chaos of the holidays has been and gone and it’s now the time to take well deserved advantage of the Month of Sleeping."

by amylotti


A Hero's Journey: Seasons (for issue 975)
"Winter is not the end. It is the beginning of the beginning."

by precious_katuch14


A Brithday Carol (for Christmas)
A meta tale that is an adaptation of Dickens' classic.

by rielcz


The Dailies Ordeal: 975th Edition
"I wonder what I'll get..." Collab with jupiter534

by chasingshadow


Paper Procrastination
Here's to 975 issues of amazing (and distracting!) content!

by flames_unleashed

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