Invisible Paint Brushes rock Circulation: 197,237,475 Issue: 974 | 16th day of Celebrating, Y24
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A True Neopian Holiday

by safemoon

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Great stories!


Merry Christmas to All, and to All a Good Meal
"The wind bit at the back of my neck while walking towards the green awning, with Filet written in gold script, protruding out over the stone sidewalk..."

by skeletonic


A Merry Neopian Holiday at the Soup Kitchen
"I have always tried to help my fellow Neopets, when I can..."

by saqo


The Christmas Faerie and the Clock
A story to kindle the holiday spirit.

by zoooomz


Awkward Avatar Hunters: The Advent Calendar
Happy Holidays Neopians! Collab with poxaleo

by 6moricehero6

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