Preparing Neopia for the Meepits Circulation: 197,237,475 Issue: 974 | 16th day of Celebrating, Y24
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Continued Series

Geographical Guide to the Best Recipes in Every Land

"After visiting the land of the faeries, the logical next stop has to be the lands of kings, knights, and castles..." Collab with cutiepie4707

by doglover3662
The Royal Thief Unbound

"Wisdom is the outcome of experience..." Collab with breakeven

by k3l26
The Discovery

"The young Eyrie was halfway home when her father found her..."

by 77thbigby
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Holiday Gift Ideas From Neopia’s Most Notable Faeries

I’ve asked many of the most well-known faeries in Neopia for their ideas on some great gifts for your beloved pets and friends this holiday season. Since the faeries listed below have such varied interests, surely one of them aligns well with even your hardest-to-shop for gift recipient! Fyora, The Faerie Queen When asked Fyora said, “Oh well, of course, the best gift would be something nice from The Hidden Tower! We’ve got paint brushes, weapons, books, dolls, all of the highest quality!” When prompted for other options that may be slightly more budget-friendly, she responded, “Ah yes I had forgotten that perhaps some commoners may not have the Neopoints to do all of their holiday shopping with us… perhaps consider a lovely Fyora Hair Brush or a bottle of Fyoras Magic Hairspray for your beauty-conscious friends!”

Other Stories


The Night Before Advent
"'was the last day of Storing, and well after bedtime One creature was stirring from dreams in the nighttime..."

by sin_hui_ryoma


The Cherry Tree and The Mynci at Christmas
"They were cutting down the cherry tree. It had stood, proud and stable, in this field for hundreds of years. Perhaps thousands..."

by dudeiloled


An Open New Year's Letter to Dr. Sloth
"As we approach the end of another year, New Year's resolutions are at the forefront of many Neopian minds. Maybe they're hoping to finally spring for that stamp for your collection."

by loyalty_sustained


The Ultimate Guide to Gift Giving
"Surely, there's no better way to show your neofriends that you care than by sending them some gifts for them to enjoy."

by unfreeze_divicool72


Kookith Christmas
"Time to open some presents!"

by twinkle_jazz


Awkward Avatar Hunters: The Advent Calendar
Happy Holidays Neopians! Collab with poxaleo

by 6moricehero6

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