Voice of the Neopian Pound Circulation: 197,257,326 Issue: 975 | 13th day of Sleeping, Y25
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Rave Danger

by the_creator12345

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A Lair of Giving
"Finding the Snowager’s lair wasn’t difficult. All Kal had to do was follow the warning signs..."

by iloenchen


Extra! Extra!
Issue 975 is finally here! Collab with silly_mistake

by emaciate


Celebrating the 10th Neopies Anniversary: Top Awards
"The Neopies is an annual event that takes place during the Month of Sleeping or Awakening, where Neopians get to vote for the best (and sometimes worst) events of the year prior."

by darkobsession


A Brithday Carol (for Christmas)
A meta tale that is an adaptation of Dickens' classic.

by rielcz

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