What Your Favourite Stamp Avatar Says About You by _only9lives_
For many Neopians obtaining the coveted stamp avatars is a long term goal, one that requires patience, luck, and a ton of Neopoints. While it is highly unlikely for anyone to obtain ALL of these avatars, setting your sights on a handful of your favourites is always a fun way to grow your account! Here is what those favourite stamp avatars say about you! (Disclaimer: this is all in good fun and not meant to be taken seriously!) Stamp Collector - Mystery Island You're a completionist, there's an order and sequence to everything, you have to start with the first and end with the last. Why think about the other stamp pages when the first one is incomplete? Stamp Collector - Virtupets You love cute things, and nothing is cuter than that little Grimilix with his big doe eyes. That being said you would give anything for Dr. Sloth to have been on this avatar instead. Stamp Collector - Tyrannia You’re tough, or more likely you want to be perceived as tough. You also want an avatar that shows you made an effort to get what you want but in a not showing off kind of way. Stamp Collector - Haunted Woods You have good taste, you like things to look sleek and elegant and that means going after the stamp avatar that looks best to you, regardless of how much it costs or which ones other people seem to like more Stamp Collector - Neopia Central You love the simplistic colour scheme of this avatar, the older almost ancient aesthetic it holds is appealing to you. You’re glad it’s this stamp for the avatar, because if it was one of the rainbow ones it would have completely missed the aesthetic you wanted. That being said, if you prefer the rainbow stamps, the fact that it wasn’t one of those stamps is something that will always upset you. Stamp Collector - NeoQuest If you say this one is your favourite you’re lying, it’s no one's favourite. The avatar should have been of Guardian of Spectral Magic Stamp and that’s a fact. Stamp Collector - Snow Valley Is this one your favourite? It’s probably your favourite. This stamp is ridiculously cute, not to mention the way you can flex if you actually have it, so if this one is your favourite you like going the safe route, you like things that are popular and that's fine, they’re popular for a reason! Stamp Collector - Meridell vs. Darigan You’re a joyous person and this avatar sparks joy! Look at the way his little mouth is smiling, his smile makes you smile. He’s got a face you can trust and that’s why this avatar is your favourite! Stamp Collector - Lost Desert This avatar has a regal, authoritative, vibe to it and that’s something you want to emulate yourself. With this avatar you get to feel powerful and remember it is now basically impossible for anyone else to get these vibes as well. Stamp Collector - The Battledome This is the gamer avatar, sure all of Neopets is technically a game, but this avatar has the biggest gamer energy of them all, yes even more than the Top Gamer Avatar, whether or not that’s a compliment or insult is up to you. Stamp Collector - Coins You’re a little bit boring, I mean let’s be real just look at this one, it even looks like it has a bored face on it. Secondly, it was between this one and the sea shells one and you happened to prefer this one more and now genuinely think you like it. Stamp Collector - Battle for Meridell You want to stand out, you want to be that person with the triangle avatar, how does it feel to be so quirky and different? Stamp Collector - NeoQuest II If the avatar was the Esophagor stamp I’d understand it being your favourite, but this one? You must really like NeoQuest II. Stamp Collector - Other You’re fun, you’re vibing, and you have good taste because this avatar has it all, it’s got a shape that stands out, it’s got a rainbow on it, it’s got a feather, what more do you need? Stamp Collector - Space Station Coins See: the result for Stamp Collector - Coins, except this time you’re boring and reckless with your NPs. Unless you like this one for the smiley face on it, in that case you are completely valid. Stamp Collector - Evil Coconuts You wanted a stamp avatar that looks absolutely nothing like a stamp avatar and that’s fair, stamps aren’t for everyone, so why not increase your avatar count with an edgier stamp avatar instead. Stamp Collector - Sea Shells You love oceanic and water related aesthetics and the Maraquan stamps avatar was too expensive to complete. Alternatively, this was the cheapest/most readily available stamp avatar to get and now you’ve convinced yourself that it is also your favourite. You also think that the Spiky Shell is the ugliest thing and hate looking at it every time you open that stamp page. Stamp Collector - Maraquan The way King Kelpbeard stares back at you in this avatar is weird and that’s why you love it, how many other avatars are out there that can stare at everyone and remind them you have an expensive stamp avatar like this one can? Stamp Collector - Altador Your peak experience on Neopets was the Altador plot and if you could do that again you would drop everything to do so. Nothing since has measured up against the thrill of looking for those constellations. Stamp Collector - Shenkuu You love powerful women (Kougras?) and that’s why Linae being the cover of this stamp avatar makes it your favourite. That being said, please acknowledge that the Kou-jong Tile Stamp or the Cyrodrakes Gaze Stamp would have been prettier choices. Stamp Collector - Other II This avatar may not be your favourite aesthetically, but the way that Brucey B is the face of this avatar without being part of the stamp album just speaks to you. Stamp Collector - Faerieland You love all things mythical and mystical and Faerieland has been one of your favourite parts of Neopets since forever. Look at her! She’s so pink! Chances are you’ve wanted this avatar from way before it was even released. Stamp Collector - Scarabs The colours are so fun in this one look at that bright bug! If this one is your favourite it’s because you wanted something relatively cheap and this one had more colours than the sea shells avatar.