Meow Circulation: 197,348,726 Issue: 978 | 10th day of Running, Y25
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Celebrating the 10th Neopies Anniversary: Part 2

by darkobsession


In the first article, I reviewed the first five Neopies. Without further ado, let's move on to the last five:

     The Sixth Annual Neopies (2014/Y16)


     This year the Neopies stretched over 19 categories instead of the usual 17, but it was in vain.

     With the popularity of the Neopies plummeting, it proved to be the last Neopies for quite some time.

     The final prize for voting every day was Ultimate Fan Room Background.

     My top 3 categories were:

     1.Best Site Event:

     Spooky Food Eating Contest / Altador Cup / Daily Dare / Obelisk War.

     Winner: Obelisk War (Very well deserved) A battle plot was way overdue, and we got a very fun and creative event to test out the new Battledome. And it’s still ongoing through the bi-weekly skirmishes between the six factions.

     2.Best Hair:

     We haven't seen a fun category like this since "Best Smile."

     Corbin / Kell / Chadley / Siyana.

      Winner: Siyana (Well deserved) I mean, she’s a Faerie after all. There is no competition.

     3.Best New Battledome Challenger:

     Kanrik / Lannie and Lillie / The Duchess / Smug Philosopher.

     Winner: Kanrik (Snub) The Smug Philosopher should’ve won. He wasn’t the toughest opponent but his demeanor was very annoying. Lannie & Lillie also deserved to win, but that’s just my opinion, since I’m biased towards the horror genre.

     Honorable Mentions: Tyrannia map won best revamp, which was deserved. The Awakened won Best New Avatar, despite Snow Roller Avatar being cuter, and the really pretty Wherfy edged the poor Sparky for Best New Petpet, but Sparky’s popularity continues to grow for its derpiness over anything else.

The Seventh Annual(ish) Neopies (2019/Y21)


     After 6 years in a row, the Neopies were abruptly discontinued. And 5 years later, they were back with a bang!! Bigger and better. This time, it was 22 categories. The final reward for voting every day was “Neopies After-Party Background.”

     To close out the Neopies celebration, the first-ever VIP Raffle for NC items was held at the event's closing gala, which gave out a total of 7 Neocash items.

     My top 3 categories were:

     1.Best New Neopet Colour:

     For the first time ever there were only three nominees in one category.

     Steampunk / Toy / Origami.

     Winner: Steampunk (Deserved) Steampunk and Toy are both amazing colours but Steampunk has more of an edge.

     2.Best Site Event:

     Lyra and the Lost Heirloom / Dragoyle Hunting / Trouble in Brightvale / The Wraith Resurgence.

     Winner: The Wraith Resurgence (Well Deserved) After all it was the first big plot in quite some time (since The Faeries’ Ruin) and offered a gripping story, some great prizes and a couple new avatars.

     3.Let Us Never Speak of This Again:

     Nonexistent NC Items / Release of 11 Stamp Collectors Avatars / The ‘Plods’ / New Feechers.

     Winner: The ‘Plods’ (Snub) Yes, the plots weren’t the greatest, but they were necessary after a long time without any actual plot. The release of 11 stamp avatars, however, caused chaos with stamp prices that inflated beyond reason, and still haven’t yet recovered.

     Honorable Mentions: Best New Character went to Reizo, who was the most deep, multidimensional character in that plot. Best New Neopet Colour was the Steampunk Hissi, which makes sense with the Steampunk PB winning as well, although I’d have preferred the Marble Chia. Best Prize Pool Update went to Trudy’s Surprise, which started rewarding users with exclusive item prizes for playing for seven consecutive days. What's more, the prize pool is updated regularly to avoid depreciation.

      The Eighth Annual(ish) Neopies (2020/Y22)


     With the lack of extensive content, the list for this year was cut short, and only 16 categories were posted for voting. The final reward for voting every day was “Shining Spotlight.”

     My top 3 categories were:

     1.Best Neopoint Item:

     Blaze / Sloth Collectible Charm / Elderly Apple / AAA Coin.

     Winner: Blaze (Deserved) It is an amazing weapon. And if you are to buy one now it will set you back at least 60 million NP’s, so those who were able to obtain it should consider themselves real lucky.

     2.Best New Avatar:

     20 Year Celebration Avatar / Robot Vandagyre Avatar / Royalboy Lutari Avatar / L&L – Bravo,Aurrick Avatar.

     Winner: 20 Year Celebration Avatar (Deserved) The avatar is simple and straight to the point. It just says 20 Years in different flashy colours. Nonetheless it’s celebrating a Neopets milestone and deserved to win.

     3.Best Advent Prize:

     Christmas Shop Window Display Background / High Tea in the Woods / The Giant Omelette: Myths and Folktales / Soup Faerie Stamp

     Winner: Soup Faerie Stamp (Deserved) It’s been a while since an exclusive Advent Calendar stamp was released, plus it honors the kind Soup Faerie.

     Honorable Mentions: There were not any stand-out categories, but Best Neopet Colour is always an exciting category. The Oil Paint Peophin deserved to win. Best Caption Image went to Hubrid Hijinks, as it reminded us of the misjudged befallen hero that is Hubrid Nox.

      The Ninth Annual(ish) Neopies (2021/Y23)


     Another short list, this time amounting to only 15 categories. However, the event had to be extended by one day, to make up for the day of voting where pictures and descriptions were all swapped. The final reward for voting every day was “Ellsworth Handheld Plushie.”

     My top 3 categories were:

     1.Best Neopet Colour:

     Marble Draik / Maraquan Lutari / Burlap Meerca / Zombie Bruce.

     Winner: Maraquan Lutari (Deserved) One of the best and strongest categories in all of the Neopies history, all four colours were amazing and deserved to win, yet the Maraquan Lutari had the final word, mainly because it was a user-inspired design and Neopians have been asking for its release for a very long time.

     2.Best Standalone Advert Animation

     Day 18 (Virtupets) / Day 25 (Taelia & Armin) / Day 26 (Slushie Slinger Tuskaninny) / Day 29 (Darblat.)

     Winner: Day 25 (Very Well Deserved) This year’s Advent animations were all special, but the Day of Giving one easily takes the cake with its lovely story: A lonely, crying Taelie is spending Christmas alone, when all of sudden she hears a knock on her door. Armin has climbed up all the way to the top of Terror Mountain to spend the day with his old friend, and he was bearing gifts. Very heart-warming.

     3.Best NP Item:

     Altador Cup XV Commemorative Stamp / Prytariel Action Figure / Baelia Plushie / Chocolate Blossom.

     Winner: Altador Cup XV Commemorative Stamp (Snub) This item won mainly because it’s a stamp and is valuable, but it’s not even the best designed stamp. It’s very simple, poor in colours and typically square in shape. Baelie Plushie, on the other hand, is very cute, with its antennae, broken wings, and tattered dress. In my opinion, it was snubbed.

     Honorable Mentions: The Royal Kadoatie snubbed the Spring Slorg for Best Petpet Colour. Another snub in Best Mystery Capsule with Baby Bash Retired Mystery Capsule winning over NC Mall 13th Birthday Jukebox Mystery Capsule (because I’m partial to music) and finally, a deserved win for the Saving Dacardia’s exclusive prize, the gorgeous “Sea Glass Foreground” in Best NP Foreground.

      The Tenth Annual(ish) Neopies (2022/Y24)


     Finally, we reached the 10th Anniversary!! And we are back to basics, with 17 categories selected by TNT. I’m sure we all remember this Neopies fondly, mainly because it was the latest show we witnessed, but also because some new categories like Best NP Wearable and Best Advent Prize Wearable were introduced, and the “Let Us Never Speak of this Again” category was renamed into “Worst TNT Blooper.”

     The final reward for voting every day was “Limousine Chauffeur Background.”

     My top 3 categories were:

     1.Best Petpet Colour:

     Snow Feepit / Valentine Pandaphant / Tyrannian Dartail / Faerie Belonthiss.

     Winner: Faerie Belonthiss (Snub) This prize could’ve easily gone to the super cute Snow Feepit with its leafy tail and red scarf, but even more deserving is the Valentine Pandaphant. Just look at those cute little hearts on his ears.

     2.Best Advent Prize Wearable:

     Reinas Holiday Sweater / Flaming Room / Snowbunny Infested Snowman / Incoming Avalanche.

     Winner: Flaming Room (Deserved) This background shows you’ve been following the meme trends the past couple years, and it complements the animation of the day it was given out. The fact that it was originally glitched makes it even more remarkable. In the end; “This is fine …”

     3.Worst TNT Blooper:

     Charity Corner Exploit / TNT For a Day / Dyeworks Missing Art / Advent Calendar on Fire.

     Winner: Charity Corner Exploit (Very Well Deserved) A lot of ink was spilled over this issue when it happened, and TNT acknowledged this mistake, but jokingly pinned it on Granny Hopbobbin. Here’s hoping for no more hiccups of the sort.

     Honorable Mentions: Cyberpunk Draik Outfit won Best Species Specific Outfit, and deservedly so. Another user-designed colour, the Maraquan Kiko, won Best Neopet Colour, becoming an instant classic, although the Woodland Techo was a very inspired and original. To wrap things up, a book called “The Futility of Existence” received Best New NP Item, and there couldn’t be a more deserved triumph.

     Thus ends this review of the Neopies Best of the Best. Here’s to 10 more years of whacky and fun ideas, and may the Neopies continue to razzle-dazzle …


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