The most fantastic thing in the universe! Circulation: 197,560,623 Issue: 989 | 11th day of Hiding, Y25
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Beware of the Blobs

by tatyanne

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how sketchy!
You think the lab ray scientist saw our last comic?

by rebeccanmn


A New Professor at Brightvale University
"The principal of Brightvale University, the Brown Aisha Lora Ledgum, had finally been able to sneak away from the endless meetings of how to get more applicants to the University, to do what she loved the most..."

by orlytheowl


Return to White River
"Mornings in White River, Meridell were usually quiet. The sun rose over the sea, illuminating the water, and bathing the streets of the town in a dusky red..."

by hzoo_26


The Happiest Quiggle
It's working! I just have to plant them faster!

by nut862

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