Enter the Snowflake's lair... Circulation: 197,560,623 Issue: 989 | 11th day of Hiding, Y25
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Short Stories

My Best Friend

"The incident occurred during the daytime, around 1 o’clock NST, while sheets of rain were pouring down from the sky. Misty, a Marble Shoyru, curled up in her bed, was reading a book. She was enjoying..."

by mewrocks_10
Beyond the Hole

"Fora was a quiet little Symol who lived in a quiet hole in a quiet part of Meridell. There were many Symols who lived deep within the hole, in an expansive city of its own..."

by surging
A Tale of Two Shopkeepers

"Linda, the Elephante who ran the Neopian Pharmacy, called out, 'Well, alright, but if I get busy I won't be able to run both shops..'"Collab with travel74147

by dancerchickemily
Sharon and the Great Dungeon Escape

"Sharon always wanted a simple life, and now she had it. The Coffee Cave on Roo Island was an utter success, packed daily with tourists in the morning rush hour and creatives in the afternoons..."

by baytotheay
A New Professor at Brightvale University

"The principal of Brightvale University, the Brown Aisha Lora Ledgum, had finally been able to sneak away from the endless meetings of how to get more applicants to the University, to do what she loved the most..."

by orlytheowl
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Dr. Sloth’s Etiquette Guide to the NeoBoards

I had plans, you know. How can you ask me to throw together a guide on such short notice? Even if I wanted to write it, my schedule would barely allow it. Here, look; at 4 o’clock, wallow in self-pity. At 4:30, stare into the abyss. 5 o’clock, wrestle with my self-loathing… I simply cannot cancel on myself again. And even if I did write a guide, what would I write? You say you want to communicate better on the NeoBoards? Have better conversations? Become friends? Bah, what nonsense.This whole “getting along” thing and understanding each other has gone way too far. Why are you not arguing with each other more? How will you ever get back to the wondrous world of peak NeoBoard drama that was the glorious Year 8? Yes yes, some would say that Year 12 was better. They know not of what they speak. But alas, it simply cannot be done. However, I guess anything is an improvement from the current… state of discussions. Or rather lack thereof. Sigh. Alright! Let us get on with it. I have places to be and enemies to zap! Listen up, weaklings! Firstly, do not keep calm and carry on. Make a scene! We’re in the middle of an arms race, or have you not noticed?

Other Stories


A Trip to the Kadoatery
At the Kadoatery in Neopia Central, you have the opportunity to feed Kadaoties that are waiting to be adopted.

by jenna6570976


Shiver Me Timbers - it's Food Club!
This is a brief overview/betting guide for Food Club, to help fellow Neopians brush up on their Food Club knowledge

by abbigator8000


The Daily Life of a Grey Kacheek
"The thing about travelling is that it gives you plenty of time to think deep thoughts. With new scenery rushing past the window and not much to do but wait..."

by chesschocolate


Return to White River
"Mornings in White River, Meridell were usually quiet. The sun rose over the sea, illuminating the water, and bathing the streets of the town in a dusky red..."

by hzoo_26


Amateur Accountant
"I'm just a baby!"

by leighlizzzie


Ashkary's Café - Mail Fraud Pt. 2
And you thought Orien was embarrassed!

by saintsalmon

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