Now with 50% more useless text Circulation: 197,578,187 Issue: 990 | 25th day of Hiding, Y25
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I'm standing my GROUND on this joke...

by jenna_lyn_russell

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Vertical Transportation
"The Halloween Meerca squinted shrewdly over the folds of her cloak, which she held draped around herself in the fashion of a Korbat's wing..."

by liouchan


"Illogical - Stuck Underground Background."
"Unbeknownst to this poor Neopet..." Collab with roxanna203

by kimpossibleluvr


Darigan's Lily
"When I fled from Kass’ tyranny, I had but one regret: I would never see my family again. Even if we had our differences, our clashes, I would miss my brother and sister, their children, and my bedridden mother..."

by parody_ham


Darkest Corner: In Action~
Exploring underground, Hannah had met her biggest obstacle yet..

by dark_elfa

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