Enter the Snowflake's lair... Circulation: 197,651,278 Issue: 995 | 3rd day of Storing, Y25
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Domestic Horror

by greentoxicity

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The Neopian Dolle Shoppe
Tucked away in the back alleys of Neovia dwells a store with no address.

by flames_unleashed


The Modern Day JubJub: Kiko Shoes
We know how JubJubs wear shoes, but how about Kikos?

by puffy333_revived


So You Made It Rich (What to Do With Neowealth)
Neopians far and wide have rejoiced this week with the introduction of the Quest Log!

by cellsdividing


Peach Tree
"The hot Mystery Island sun beat down on the students in the Training School's courtyard as they trudged on with their lessons. They had been divided into groups depending on their courses and skill level to keep their training equal..."

by therock4678

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