Sanity is forbidden Circulation: 197,651,278 Issue: 995 | 3rd day of Storing, Y25
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Most Fashionable Neopians: Haunted Woods Edition

As fall rolls through, Neopians flock to the Haunted Woods to celebrate.

by spukl1
Beginner Battledome Opponents to Earn Neopoints

You may have recently found yourself in possession of Illusen’s Staff after the blessings of the Faerie Festival Y25 and thought to yourself, ‘Hey, I should sell this’ – However I’m here to propose the utilisation of this weapon.

by desaday
Quizzical Questing: Your Guide to Daily Quests

Have you seen that shiny new interface at Here's your chance to shine!

by imixine
So You Made It Rich (What to Do With Neowealth)

Neopians far and wide have rejoiced this week with the introduction of the Quest Log!

by cellsdividing
Top 5 Baby Neopets for Beginners

So, you've finally saved up enough Neopoints for that ever-elusive Baby Paintbrush, or maybe you got a lucky visit from Jacko the Phantom Painter!

by bluewolfpaw
It's a Kad Feeding Frenzy

Hey all you cool Kougras and Kadoaties! In my journey through Neopia, I’ve figured out the tips and tricks that help an average player like myself achieve goals that I never thought possible before.

by abbigator8000
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"Shadow in the Kadoatery" by midnightfrost444
Late into the night one moonless autumn evening, long past when most Neopets had gone to bed, Crybaby sat awake. Of course Crybaby was no Neopet, but a Kadoatie, with fur so white it practically shone in the darkness, and large, observant eyes. Around her, the Kadoatery was alive with noise. From a distance, it could be faintly heard as a strange keening wail. If one were to get closer, the sound would separate into dozens of separate screams. Kadoaties were crying, each one trying its hardest to drown out the others in a desperate bid to gain the attention of employees who wouldn't even be here at this hour. They disgusted Crybaby. She had been like them once, admittedly. She had cried long into the night, night after night, week after week, month after month. Year after year... Eventually, she had stopped crying. The name that the Kadoatery workers had given her when they'd found her abandoned on the step one night hadn't really been appropriate after that, but it had stuck. Crybaby couldn't remember who had abandoned her, or why, but she had grown hard and bitter from seeing these other Kadoaties crying each night, even though all of them had happy homes to go back to. Bonbon, the Pink Kadoatie two cages to Crybaby's left was screaming the loudest. She was a regular visitor to...

Other Stories


Peach Tree
"The hot Mystery Island sun beat down on the students in the Training School's courtyard as they trudged on with their lessons. They had been divided into groups depending on their courses and skill level to keep their training equal..."

by therock4678


The Neopian Dolle Shoppe
Tucked away in the back alleys of Neovia dwells a store with no address.

by flames_unleashed


The Price of Ambition
"At midnight, a member of the guild did exactly as she expected. Gentle taps on her window made her look up with a jolt. She walked towards her window and saw a shady-looking Orange Buzz with a hood over her head with a handful of pebbles..."

by golden1188


Knight & Squire: Unwilling
"The second hawker, a Yellow Lupe, stomped over to the first, a Red Shoyru, and punched him in the face. A crowd quickly gathered as nearby knights rushed in to break up the scuffle..."

by terpsichorean_writer


"Can I borrow a chef's hat and apron..."

by ssjelitegirl


You've Gouda Be Kidding Me
Trust me, he's heard them all before.

by quillweave

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