teh 1337est n00zpaper Circulation: 197,651,278 Issue: 995 | 3rd day of Storing, Y25
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by ssjelitegirl

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When you don't have wings
Life.. err the ground can be hard

by gerixd


It's a Kad Feeding Frenzy
Hey all you cool Kougras and Kadoaties! In my journey through Neopia, I’ve figured out the tips and tricks that help an average player like myself achieve goals that I never thought possible before.

by abbigator8000


Spooky Paint
May not be as spooky as you think.

by muggledude


Beginner Battledome Opponents to Earn Neopoints
You may have recently found yourself in possession of Illusen’s Staff after the blessings of the Faerie Festival Y25 and thought to yourself, ‘Hey, I should sell this’ – However I’m here to propose the utilisation of this weapon.

by desaday

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