For an easier life Circulation: 197,846,079 Issue: 1008 | 17th day of Hunting, Y26
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The Mew-tant Scheme

by pikcel

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Are Your Negg Prizes Gathering Dust?
Well, folks, that’s a wrap on another successful Festival of Neggs! Neopians gathered in Faerieland this year to celebrate one of the most popular annual events. Yes, the Festival of Neggs

by lyzzy170


Top 5 Neopets Pranks That Should Be Real
Every year since Year 3, Neopians all over the world waited with bated breath for the clock to strike midnight on April 1st. What would The Neopets Team come up with this year to prank Neopia?

by dottie27a


Ashes of the Alabriss
"Hanso had made significant progress with Taffy. Between respecting his boundaries, feeding him while Brynn was at the stable, and occasionally offering him treats, the Naalala was now confident enough to allow Hanso to pet him…"

by salem_822


One Calm Day in Space
"One calm day in space, Gerald the Orange Grundo was monitoring the stars for any potential danger. This was an easy job these days since..."

by spukl1

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