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13 of the Best Desserts to Celebrate Fyora Day

by tamimarieb


     Happy Fyora Day to everyone! Celebrating Queen Fyora and her coronation means spreading kindness, happiness, and merriment all around Neopia. While there will be several celebrations being thrown in Queen Fyora’s honour, it doesn’t mean you can’t throw your own party as well.

     So where do we start? We know that a good party has food, games, drinks, but most importantly, you need a good dessert. Dessert will make or break any party but luckily for you, there are a variety of delicious and decadent Fyora theme desserts that you can grab to be the perfect centerpiece to any party you’re throwing in her honour.

     Let's dive into these scrumptious desserts so you can figure out which would fit your party the best.

     1. Deluxe Fyora Day Cake

     We’re going big to start and Fyora deserves the best, which is why you need to grab a Deluxe Fyora Day Cake. This cake is luxurious and delicious wrapped into a stunning and sweet cake that screams Fyora. With purple icing and wings, what better dessert could you choose to help Fyora celebrate her special day?

     2. Fyora Cookies

     Have you seen these beautiful iced cookies that represent Fyora so well? The cookies are shaped after Fyora’s own wings and iced to perfection with a design that replicates her perfectly. Now only do they look good, they taste incredible too. Make sure to grab these fast because they are a popular dessert and sell out fast.

     3. Fyora Jelly Dessert

     Not only do you get a pretty bowl and spoon to take home, this jelly dessert comes with Fyora’s face implanted in the center. Nothing screams Fyora day like this jelly dessert does. With vibrant purple hues and a tasty jelly filling, you will love celebrating Fyora Day with this jelly treat by your side.

     4. Fyora Tart

     Tarts are the way to go if you’re not a fan of cake and thankfully, you can grab one that represents Fyora. With a flaky and butter crust filled with purple cream that tastes heavenly, your Neopets will love enjoying this Fyora Tart during their Fyora Day celebration. Make sure to grab an extra one to take home with you.

     5. Indulgent Fyora Shake

     Fyora Day is the perfect day to indulge a little and enjoy something sweet and delectable with your Neopets. The Indulgent Fyora Shake is a great dessert to grab because it’s almost as sweet as Fyora herself. The shake is, of course, filled with sugar but will also make you feel joyous and happy. Not to mention it’s topped with a slice of cake, doughnut, and a cherry.

     6. Glorious Fyora Sundae

     Who doesn’t love an ice cream sundae? With this Glorious Fyora Sundae you get not one, but three scoops of ice cream stacked in a Fyora themed bowl. The ice cream is so good it sparkles with magic, making each bite just as special as Fyora herself. Make sure to try and eat the ice cream slowly so you don’t get a brain freeze.

     7. Pink Fyora Gingerbread Castle

     It might seem odd to add a gingerbread castle to a list of scrumptious desserts but have you seen this thing. This unique dessert that pays homage to Fyora is perfect to add to your celebration. The gingerbread castle looks like a normal gingerbread house but it has its own extra Fyora flair with purple wings to remind you of our Faerie Queen. To say this gingerbread castle is unique is an understatement.

     8. Raspberry Fyora Pop

     A delectable treat to take along with you, a Raspberry Fyora Pop is a great Fyora Day dessert. Not only is it adorable to look at but when you shake the pop, a little bit of raspberry flavor faerie dust falls off the pop. Who thought that something so simple could be so magical.

     9. Simple Fyora Cake

     You don’t have to go big and extreme to have a great Fyora Day. Take a look at this simple Fyora Cake and tell me it isn’t perfect for celebrating Fyora Day. The simple cake is layered with delicious icing and candy stones that give off the perfect sparkle. Of course, it needs to be topped with a replica Fyora crown that can be passed around any celebration as well.

     10. Chocolate Fyora Crown

     Not only can you look like Queen Fyora herself in this replica Fyora crown but you can also have a tasty treat you can carry around with you. Made from delicious chocolate and paired with a simple candy stone, you can celebrate Fyora all day with this Chocolate Fyora Crown, just try and make sure it doesn’t melt all over you.

     11. Deluxe Fyora Goodie Basket

     Dessert doesn’t have to be only cake and candy, instead bring this Deluxe Fyora Gift Basket with you to any celebration and give it as a gift to your host. Filled with fruits, treats, and topped with a stunning bow and wings, anyone would be thrilled to have this gift basket offering for their Fyora Day party.

     12. Candy Fyora Wings

     Having mini bowls of Candy Fyora Wings spread out on tables at your gathering is a simple and easy Fyora treat to have. The wings will give anyone’s tummy a nice tingly flutter feeling after being eaten, lifting everyone’s spirits just in time for Fyora Day. Try not to eat too many at once, you might fly away.

     13. Ultimate Fyora Day Muffin

     Not only is this muffin glazed in raspberry icing and cinnamon faerie dust, but it is a delicious way to start off your Fyora Day and get the gears turning for your Fyora-themed party. This delicious muffin has replica Fyora wings, so don’t worry they won’t fly away, and the topping is so good you’re going to want to lick it off.

     There you have, throwing a Fyora Day celebration can’t get any easier when you have all these amazing desserts to celebrate with. Remember to be like Queen Fyora herself, kind, respectful, and full of cheer and merriment to all her fellow Neopians.


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