Where there's a Weewoo, there's a way Circulation: 197,854,999 Issue: 1009 | 31st day of Hunting, Y26
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Short Stories

The Benevolence of the Snow Faerie

"Taelia was never fond of attending the Faerie Council, but there was no refusing Fyora. Not only was it considered rude, but it wouldn't be in her favour to end up on the Faerie Queen's bad side."

by zombiefirien
The Hidden Tower Heist

"Fyora glanced over her shoulder at the Faerie who had just entered the Hidden Tower..."

by maddie_bangz
The Statue

"Queenly duties take Fyora across Faerieland every day from morning until night. Physically, being made of pure magic, she can’t feel tired. Mentally, though, she is exhausted..."

by cyanlaststar888
Royal Lessons With Queen Fyora

"When it came to giving out punishments, no one approached them with higher care and delicacy than the Illustrious High Queen of Faerieland Herself. Fyora knew the most effective consequences for any of her royal student’s actions would be one that taught them the importance of giving back to their fellow denizens of Neopia..."

by alistair_returns
Fyora's Biggest Fan

Never meet your heroes. Or, maybe do.

by copaceticdrone
An Audience with the Queen

Sylvie crept through streets and narrow alleyways, darting from nook to nook, carefully avoiding the watchful eyes of any potential witnesses.

by dennykins
Fyora's Cooking Class

Fyora sighed as she pulled out her burned cookies. She looked down sadly at yet another failed recipe. Why was cooking and baking so hard for her?

by ningkov1
Fyora's Grey Discovery

"Queen Fyora stepped outside of the Neolodge on a cool, cloudy morning. The weather seemed a bit gloomy for this time of year, but she..."

by endisnigh
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Eat like Royalty: 10 Fyora Themed Foods

Have you ever dreamed of sitting at Queen Fyora’s Dinner table? Or perhaps, you're looking to add a little more ‘fancy’ to your typical dinner rotation? This list is here to help! Whether you’re the Queens #1 fan or you simply want to add a bit of magic to your daily routine, these Queen approved eats are sure to make you and your Pets feel like absolute royalty. Sit back and relax while I take you through ten of the most decadent Fyora themed foods in all of Neopia. 1. Deluxe Fyora Day Cake Have you ever seen a cake so magical and decadent? I certainly haven’t and I bet your Pets haven’t either. I mean, how often do you stumble across a sparkling cake with wings? That’s what I thought. With three luxurious tiers of white cake generously decorated in whipped raspberry icing, this dessert is pure royalty. At such a reasonable price point, it’s perfect for your pet's birthday or as a gift to a close neofriend. Did I mention it’s also a gourmet food? 2. Fyora Apple If you’re looking to feed your Pets a fancy breakfast, look no further than the Fyora Apple. This apple is crisp, it’s juicy, and it might fly away when you’re not looking… so be careful. Yes, I know it’s a bit pricey, but this special apple comes directly from Fyora’s garden, and it’s been rumored that eating one a day will keep Dr. Sloth away. Good for your health AND for avoiding the most evil villain in Neopia, what more could you ask for in a piece of fruit? Pairs nicely with a Peanut Butter and Banana Sandwich. 3. Fyora Spritzer Hailing from Faerieland is the fanciest refresher you’ll ever dare to find. It comes in a perfectly purple glass that screams ‘royal’ and is generously garnished with both a lime and wings. But the fun doesn’t stop there - this beverage also comes equipped with a mini staff so that you may point it at people and issue royal decrees while you sip your spritzer.

Other Stories


Eat like Royalty: 10 Fyora Themed Foods
Have you ever dreamed of sitting at Queen Fyora’s Dinner table? Or perhaps, you're looking to add a little more ‘fancy’ to your typical dinner rotation? This list is here to help!

by notooryous


All that's Fyora is not Purple
“It’s not purple. It’s pink...” claimed Fyora once, and whoever is familiar with her Blessing should be familiar with this famous quote.

by water_park1993


Elizia and the Krawk Island Boat Race
"Elizia was off, along with everyone else. She put all her strength into the paddles, and the boat flew ahead. For a moment, it looked as if she was in the lead, but she was quickly caught up to, and overpassed, by other competitors..."

by platinum_marauder


Faeries Land
"Xenia, a young Wocky witch, swung the end of her broom back and forth as she flew over the Faerieland woods on her way to the castle. Below, a tall tree that was cascading rainbows from its clouds distracted her...Collab with joanna_lewis

by kebicorn


Fyoras Perspective
Oh, Fyora....

by betti666


A Simple Request
That's all. I'm not mad about anything that happened. I'm fine. Collab with lavarunner123

by virtualgf

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