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In the Arms of the Angelpuss...

by virtualgf

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Faeries Land
Ivima, a Water Faerie, swam through the Faerieland stream, searching for her friend, Yenil. Yenil was a Grey Faerie who lived in the forest next to Faerieland.

by kebicorn


The Folly of Captain Dread
"There was a celebration aboard the Revenge, but to the uninitiated it would look like quite the opposite. All across the main deck, pirates brawled and jeered and shouted profanities at both one another and the churning waters below..."

by sporty2443


Petpet Customisation - Is it Possible?
Designing unique looks for your pets is one of the primary drawcards of Neopets. The Customisation and NC trading boards are among the most active out there, the Customisation Spotlights are very popular competitions and the NC Mall, primarily used for wearables, has been busier this year than at any time in recent history.

by dennykins


Wren the White Weewoo Found a Fleaf
"Once upon a time, many moons ago in the spooky Haunted Woods, there lived a dazzling Weewoo named Wren. Wren was not an ordinary Weewoo; she was a..."

by spukl1

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