Reporting live from Neopia Circulation: 0 Issue: 1010 | 14th day of Relaxing, Y26
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Screwtop Appreciation

by lunensis

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Great stories!


Summer Swimming Lessons
Learn to swim with Petpets! Collab with silly_mistake

by emaciate


Aquatic Friends at the Rock Pool
"Rufus walked around the Rock Pool examining all the Petpets out on display. The aged Yellow Kougra had been the owner of the Petpet shop on Mystery Island for many years now. He took pride in..."

by endisnigh


Barf Boat: Appreciate Your Crew!
Some jobs are harder than others... Collab with annikkiadepp_

by light_faerie56


Petpet Customisation - Is it Possible?
Designing unique looks for your pets is one of the primary drawcards of Neopets. The Customisation and NC trading boards are among the most active out there, the Customisation Spotlights are very popular competitions and the NC Mall, primarily used for wearables, has been busier this year than at any time in recent history.

by dennykins

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