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The Definitive Guide to Becoming a Clown

by dinha_reeves


This is the definitive guide for all Pets who dream of becoming clowns and spreading joy throughout Neopia.

     So be ready and see what the most important steps are to becoming the funniest clown at all the parties and circuses!

     Step 1 - Jokes

     The first and most important thing for every clown is the jokes! Of course, without good jokes, a clown is nothing. That's why it's extremely important that you start working on your jokes straight away. Reading joke books is a good start, and after a while, you'll also be able to create your own jokes.

     Here are some joke book tips you can use to get started. Remember to always be funny and never be offensive. A clown needs to entertain the audience, not embarrass them.

     - 381 Dirt Jokes

     - Jokes and Riddles

     - Practical Jokes

          Step 2 - Animal balloons

     The second skill a good clown should develop is that of making animal balloons. At any party a clown is invited to, it's almost their obligation to make an animal balloon and, if you don't already have this skill, you'd better start developing it. It would be embarrassing to become a clown and not know how to make an animal balloon, wouldn't it?

     Start with the easiest ones, after all, no one learns by rote. It takes a lot of practice and dedication to perfect this skill and soon you'll be able to make some of the most complex animal balloons available. Here are some examples:

     - Quiggle Balloon Animal

     - JubJub Balloon Animal

     - Bori Balloon Animal

          Step 3 - Pies

     The next step to becoming a good clown is directly linked to pies. That delicious custard dessert with a little cherry on top. Well, if you don't like pies very much, I suggest you start rethinking whether you really want to be a clown because there is no clown who doesn't make jokes with pies in their face or throw pies at others.

     We've listed some of the best pies used especially for clown tricks and jokes, which are great for not hurting yourself or anyone else, because, we emphasize, that the purpose of the joke is to promote fun and never aggression.

     - Banana Cream Pie

     - Whipped Cream Pie

     - Cream Pie

          Step 4 - Clothes

     Clothes are a fundamental part of a clown's look. The clothes need to be colourful, with stripes or polka dots, and it needs to be big and exaggerated, to give the impression of something clumsy and make your costume more authentic. Don't forget the white gloves too!

     Your choices may involve items such as brightly coloured suspenders, shoes that appear larger than your feet, and a shirt with a ruffle collar and large buttons. Below we've listed a few options to inspire you:

     - Carnival of Terror Clown Pants with Suspenders

     - Birthday Clown Outfit

     - Buzz Honey Collecting Boots

          Step 5 - Wigs

     Another essential item for your clown look is the wig. These items always make the clown's image much more cheerful and funny, there's no one who looks at a clown with funny hair and isn't automatically infected by their joy. That's why choosing this item is so important.

     Consider the colours of your clown costume when choosing your fun wig, use your creativity to create a very different look, the clumsier the better. In this guide, we present some tips on fun wigs that you can use as a basis when choosing yours:

      - Chia Clown Wig

     - Freaky Factory Wig

     - Clown Kacheek Wig

          Step 6 - Make-up

     Another fundamental step in becoming a clown is having good makeup. There's no point in having all the funny costumes and wigs for your clown look if you don't have the right makeup. The make-up needs to reflect your essence as a clown, represent your passion for the profession and express your clown style.

     Clown makeup usually has a white base with various coloured paints and drawings that will form thicker lips giving the impression of a huge smile, larger eyes that watch everything and everyone and seem to be impressed by everything that happens. And, of course, never forget the red nose! This is the most important item in your makeup. Below are some of the most popular clown make-ups to inspire you:

     - Clown Face Paint

     - Jester Skeith Makeup

     - Birthday Clown Face Makeup

          Step 7 - Accessories

     The next step to becoming an excellent clown, perhaps even the best of them all, is to acquire accessories to complement your jokes and performances. Every good clown has a hand that jolts when they greet someone, a loud horn or a flower that squirts water. These accessories are usually attached to clothes, costumes, wigs or hats. There are several ways to use them.

     Here are some classic examples of the best clown accessories for you to acquire and complement your outfit.

     - Gag Bowtie

     - Pink Squirt Flower

     - Hand Buzzer Gag

          Step 8 - Objects

     In addition to the accessories that will make up their look, there are also some objects that clowns can use to make their jokes funnier and funnier, such as umbrellas or canes, cannons, toys, and much more. Remember that the aim is always to make people laugh, be happy, and have fun.

     But if you don't know which objects you can take with you, you can check out this guide for some suggestions:

     - Chia Clown Umbrella

     - Ridiculously Large Water Balloon Cannon

     - Harris In A Box

          Step 9 - Tools

     Other tools that can be used for clown performances and are essential for your kit are clown cars, trampolines, and unicycles. These tools are generally used to impress audiences with their performances. While a clown is balancing on a unicycle, they are also juggling balls or doing acrobatics on a trampoline while juggling pins. Of course, everything gets much funnier when the clown makes everything go wrong on purpose and drops the balls and pins on their head.

     Take a look at some examples of the tools we've selected here in this guide:

     - Creepy Unicyclist Jetsam Cycle

     - Chia Clown Car

     - Carnival of Terror Trampoline

          Step 10 - Presentations

     If you want to be a clown, it's very important to work on your presentation, improve your jokes, your juggling and balloon animal skills, and be very creative in your performances. Every clown's dream is to perform in a big circus, after all, the clown is always the main attraction, the one everyone is looking forward to the most!

     But until that day comes, you can always perform in squares, at children's birthday parties and, finally, at the circus.

          We hope you enjoyed this guide.

     We wish great success and lots of laughs to all the Pets who aspire to become clowns.


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