A Yurble stole my cinnamon roll! Circulation: 197,890,902 Issue: 1016 | 6th day of Gathering, Y26
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Short Stories

A Qasalan Investigation

"Testing, testing… This is Annabelle, investigative journalist for the Neopian Times, reporting live from Qasala.”

by maddie_bangz
The Queen Family: Overcoming Inertia

"Gimmer the Pteri planted her face into her pillow in an effort to ignore the display she had made around the plushie. It sat upon the collapsed velvet bag..."

by gentle_lil_queen
To Make An Omelette...

"'Don't look down,' Max willed himself, as he edged his way around the narrow cliff face..."

by dennykins
A Hero's Journey: Interim

"Urgent summons from the Crown, for Sir Rohane of Trestin.”

by precious_katuch14
Of Royal Blood

"A ship traversed throughout the Neopian seas, and Ethan's family was on it..."

by nick_and_nickette
Search the Neopian Times


Slushie Slinger Recipes to Satisfy Every Craving!

It’s that time of the year again, and Altador Cup is in full swing! Despite the Void casting an air of gloom upon Neopia, the Cup is going as strong as ever. Brightvale and Meridell may be shrouded in grey, but their Yooyuball teams are doing smashingly, holding onto some of the top spots! Strolling through Altador, you see fans from all teams decked out in their team gear, adorned with multicoloured foam fingers and sweatbands proudly rooting for their favourite team. You can’t help but notice that many are also holding a variety of colourful slushies - some in exotic yellow, green, vibrant pink, and juicy blue. Oh, how they look simply delectable and thirst quenching in the summer Altador heat! Eager to taste the famous slushies for yourself, you head towards the slushie store adjacent to the Yooyuball stadium. Pushing through crowds of fans you finally make it there - only to find the most insanely long line ever! The customers are impatient and disgruntled. Steam is seeping from their ears, their fists raised in anger, demanding their slushies be served, NOW! The poor Tuskaninny waitress, Cheryl Shelly, is working at her limits yet the line just keeps growing. You estimate the wait for a slushie could potentially be hours long, yet you really want that slushie before the next Yooyuball game. So what should you do to satisfy that craving? You could head up to Terror Mountain to the Slushie Shop and buy one there, but you’d have to trek all the way up the mountain, and you’d probably still have to sit and wait for a slushie you want to restock. By the time you get there and back to Altador, you would’ve missed the game you were waiting for! And anyway, it wouldn’t quite be the same as...

Other Stories


Visiting the Kadoatie Cafe
Ah, Kadoaties. Affectionately referred to as 'Kads' by their fans, and known to be remarkably picky about their food. They keep us up at night with their crying once we turn the lights off.

by xdlugia_reborn


The Definitive Guide to Becoming a Clown
This is the definitive guide for all Pets who dream of becoming clowns and spreading joy throughout Neopia. Collab with _luaxinha_

by dinha_reeves


"It seemed like lecture halls just kept getting crustier. Roxton couldn’t slip in unnoticed the way he used to for the way the door squeaked, and the way the stairs squeaked, and the way the brace on his knee squeaked. People certainly noticed him..."

by quanticdreams


The Kronborg Chronicles: A Sister’s Mission
"The villagers in Meridell Town stared at their princess as she rode a white Uni through the centre of town toward the castle. Meridellian law prohibited..."

by joyfulcabbage


The quest never ends!

by alevno


Faerie Bubbles: The Rubbish Dump
Last week she was wrestling for an apple core.

by flamingoez

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