White Weewoos don't exist. *shifty eyes* Circulation: 197,890,902 Issue: 1016 | 6th day of Gathering, Y26
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Short Stories

A Qasalan Investigation

"Testing, testing… This is Annabelle, investigative journalist for the Neopian Times, reporting live from Qasala.”

by maddie_bangz
The Queen Family: Overcoming Inertia

"Gimmer the Pteri planted her face into her pillow in an effort to ignore the display she had made around the plushie. It sat upon the collapsed velvet bag..."

by gentle_lil_queen
To Make An Omelette...

"'Don't look down,' Max willed himself, as he edged his way around the narrow cliff face..."

by dennykins
A Hero's Journey: Interim

"Urgent summons from the Crown, for Sir Rohane of Trestin.”

by precious_katuch14
Of Royal Blood

"A ship traversed throughout the Neopian seas, and Ethan's family was on it..."

by nick_and_nickette
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"A Hero's Journey: Interim" by precious_katuch14
”Urgent summons from the Crown, for Sir Rohane of Trestin.” The Grey Draik stood in the doorway, clutching a scroll sealed with the Meridell emblem. The colours had been washed out of the scroll, its seal, and the Draik’s tunic. “Yikes, looks like whatever happened south is worse than we thought,” said Reuben, shaking his head. “It’s a miracle Trestin hasn’t gone grey. And a miracle that you were here with us instead of at the castle.” “I wonder if it’s because we’re far north.” Rohane reached out and took the scroll, and immediately opened it to read. The White Blumaroo’s forehead creased steadily, and his expression shifted from uncertainty, to worry, to nervous dread. “What does it say?” the bigger White Blumaroo asked. “Are you…being asked to return to Meridell Castle? I wouldn’t be surprised if…” Rohane lowered the parchment, grimacing as he glanced from Reuben, to the Draik, and to the summons, where his name was written in splotchy black script as though the scribe had little care for the mess they left on the scroll. He sighed. “Worse. Not only will I be cutting my vacation short, but…Jeran and a lot of other knights have been hit by the curse. Of all the remaining knights who can still report for duty, I have the highest rank.” “Then, that means…”

Other Stories


The Definitive Guide to Becoming a Clown
This is the definitive guide for all Pets who dream of becoming clowns and spreading joy throughout Neopia. Collab with _luaxinha_

by dinha_reeves


Visiting the Kadoatie Cafe
Ah, Kadoaties. Affectionately referred to as 'Kads' by their fans, and known to be remarkably picky about their food. They keep us up at night with their crying once we turn the lights off.

by xdlugia_reborn


The Kronborg Chronicles: A Sister’s Mission
"The villagers in Meridell Town stared at their princess as she rode a white Uni through the centre of town toward the castle. Meridellian law prohibited..."

by joyfulcabbage


"It seemed like lecture halls just kept getting crustier. Roxton couldn’t slip in unnoticed the way he used to for the way the door squeaked, and the way the stairs squeaked, and the way the brace on his knee squeaked. People certainly noticed him..."

by quanticdreams


Changing Times
Things aren't how they used to be.

by ssjelitegirl


The Tournament Part 1
Pratice makes perfect! Collab with luc187 and nostalgicneopian

by kuroneko_kitty

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