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Of Royal Blood

by nick_and_nickette


Takes place a couple of months after the events of "Birds of a feather"

     A ship traversed throughout the Neopian seas, and Ethan's family was on it.

     Alamar was getting seasick, so much that he couldn't complain about yet another travel, as per usual. Asriel was enjoying seeing the beautiful blue expanse, all the marine Petpets playing in the water, the breeze in his fur, feathers and hair... he flew over the ship, and over the sea, and then returned to the deck again. He was having the time of his life - his brother, not so much.

     Ethan wasn't so chipper either - he had gone on this trip not out of pleasure, but out of duty - royal duty, no less. His brother, the king of The Valley Kingdom, had sent him a letter asking him and their youngest brother to come to a summit. Ethan was morally and legally obliged to come, even though he didn't want to. His thing since childhood was exploring and discovering new things, not attending long summits... much to his older brother and family's dismay, given Ethan was an intelligent Acara and an excellent diplomat.

     But, being the optimist he was, Ethan tried to see the good of this trip - the king of the Pyre Isle was to attend, and this man was none other than his children's maternal uncle. He thought that maybe they could finally meet and do some catching up - he had read about the man's benevolent nature, unlike that of his father, who had punished his daughter, Asriel and Alamar's birth mother, so severely.

     They arrived at the summit at the Southern Isle early one day - this island was located in the Emerald Archipelago surrounding the entrance to Moltara. It was ruled by Queen Aura and her husband, King Kieran. The family of four made their way to the palace, where they were to stay in. At arriving, Ethan heard someone call him-

     "Ethan! You're finally here."

     -it was his older brother, King Viktor, a grouchy-looking red Cybunny. He was beside his youngest brother, Topher, a Pink Cybunny. Ethan told his family to leave their things on their quarters so as to talk to his brothers by himself.

     "Nice seeing you too, Vik", greeted Ethan in a dry manner to match that of his brother. Topher was more happy to see him, though, and gave him a hug.

     "I'm glad you could come", said Viktor, "And that you could bring your family with you as well."

     "I don't like leaving them behind."

     "Neither do I", said the older Cybunny. "But my son got very ill, and Sofia stayed to take care of him. So it's just me and my advisors."

     "I also came alone", said Topher, a bit sadly. "My wife was visiting her family..."

     "But you're not alone now, Cristopher. You have us to talk to", said Viktor. "Anyway, did you two get the information I sent you? I will greatly appreciate your support during this. We're going to be discussing some important stuff, and I can't do it alone." Both his brothers nodded, and they agreed to discuss that later that same day. So Ethan went to his quarters to rest for a while.


     Asriel and Alamar went to spend some time with their mother at the city's plaza after their father had gone to meet with his brothers.

     "Mum, is it true the King of the Pyre Isle is going to attend the summit?", asked Asriel.

     "Yes, dear."

     "He's our uncle, right? Do you think we could meet him?"

     The Pink Zafara sighed. "I don't know, dear. Maybe. Maybe not. Who knows if that would be convenient."

     "Word say he's a benevolent ruler... maybe he would like to meet us, you never know!", beamed the Eyrie, while his brother remained deadpan. Anna smirked - she didn't want to ruin her son's good mood. "Like I said, maybe, dear", she replied.

     They went to a mall to window shop to pass the time. There they saw a familiar face - that of Prince Hani of Kheru, albeit not wearing his accustomed royal garb, yet still fine "informal" clothes, indeed. He was talking to a younger Blue Blumaroo with short curly brown hair.

     The desert Cybunny turned around and noticed them, and smiled. "Anna! As well as Asriel and Alamar! What are you doing around these parts?", he asked.

     "We could ask the same about you, Prince Hani", answered Anna.

     "I'm accompanying my brother to a summit. I presume you came because of Ethan."

     "You know he's royalty?", asked Asriel innocently.

     "Of course... King Viktor is a friend. He talks about him and his travels all the time."

     "Seriously?", asked Asriel. "Dad often feels he doesn't appreciate him..."

     "Perish the thought, he does! Although I admit the man is not of the effusive kind. That might be why your father feels that way... Oh, how rude of me." He turned to his Blumaroo friend. "This is Prince Jaymes, son of King Roo. He's also a friend of mine."

     "Nice to meet you", said the Blumaroo.

     "Nice to meet you too, Prince Jaymes!", beamed Asriel. "I've read about you, but never thought I'd meet you in person! And I'm happy to be doing so!"

     "I'm honoured", replied the Blumaroo with a smile.

     "Well, it was nice seeing you both, we'll leave you now", said Anna. "Goodbye."

     "Goodbye", said both princes.

     "What a sweet kid", commented Jaymes to Hani after the other three had left.

     "He is. His father works for my brother Ethan as an archivist for his museum", said Hani. "The man is brilliant. Viktor wishes he had used his talents for diplomacy instead... but his dream was always to globetrot. And once he came of age he went to fulfil that dream on his own, well, until he met Anna, then he adopted the two children... but he's never stayed in one place. He doesn't like standing still. Viktor has never understood why, but he's not opposed to it, either. He tries to understand, though he admits he's been harsh on him sometimes. But that's just because he misses him."

     "Well... the heart is an interesting thing - wouldn't you agree?" Hani blushed at this statement. "You didn't come here all this way just for a summit... You wouldn't have agreed to attend one so easily before, but... You've fallen in the deep, deep pit called Love, and the recipient of your affections came for the summit as well."

     Hani blushed harder. "You know me well, kid."

     "I have a wife, I know how you're feeling", laughed the Blumaroo. "I'm happy you finally found someone to love."

     "Thanks. I thought I was to die alone. But I hope that won't be the case now...", sighed Hani contently.


     The following day was the day of the summit - attended by the rulers and from all across the globe. Needless to say, there were nobles aplenty, and Ethan was struggling to feel comfortable in fancy regal clothes - it had been a while since he wore such garments.

     The reason for the summit was to discuss trade routes, among other important things.

      The Royal Boy Acara wished this ended as soon as possible, but that unfortunately wouldn't be the case.

     He, as he usually did, tried to make the best of the situation. He knew a lot of the members of nobility that attended personally, so before this meeting began, he did some catching up with them. The one he wanted to approach most, however, was the king of the Pyre Isle, Uriel - but this imposing Maraquan Eyrie seemed a tad intimidating, despite the good things he had heard about the man. Still, he made it his goal to talk to him, but he needed some advice first.

     So he asked someone he knew and trusted, one of the finest noblemen of Brightvale, the right-hand man of King Hagan himself.

     "Lord Virgil, what do you know about King Uriel of the Pyre Isle? Is he approachable?"

     The Royal Boy Kyrii asked, "What is your interest in meeting him?"

     Ethan recounted the whole story to him, well, as briefly as it was possible.

     "... so, my sons are his nephews. However, given what happened with their mother, I'm unsure if they could meet him... I fear his reaction. What do you say?"

     The Kyrii mused his answer. "Hm. From my experience, he's what you'd expect of any other member of nobility - he wants, first and foremost, respect. As a king, he's going to have guards nearby. If you randomly approach him and start yapping your mouth, they're not going to like it, even if you're a prince. You have to be smart about it. So play your cards well."

     "I will. Thanks."

     The summit began, and negotiations took place. After a couple of hours, a break was taken in order to rest. Some food was served, and the nobles lightly chattered.

     This was the chance to speak to the stern-looking Eyrie king, he thought. He was talking to this Blue Wocky nobleman he was unfamiliar with, but he still approached and greeted him. "Hello, King Uriel!"

     "Hello, Prince Ethan, yes? You're King Viktor's brother, as is Prince Cristopher."

     "That's correct."

     "It's nice meeting you personally."

     "Same." The king returned to his chatter with the Wocky nobleman, much to Ethan's frustration. He decided to excuse himself and leave. Standing there awkwardly wasn't going to help.

     Later, though, the Wocky went to where Ethan was talking to other nobles he knew, so as to entertain himself, and asked, "Prince Ethan, right?"


     "Lord Zerah, it's a pleasure. King Uriel asked me to inform you that he wanted to have a word with you.

     Ethan blinked, puzzled. "Oh?", he uttered, but then decided to follow suit and went to where the Eyrie was. "King Uriel, you wished to speak to me?"

     The Eyrie had a pensive look in his face now, his arms crossed. "Yes. I've been made aware of the existence of your children."

     Ethan swallowed, and asked "By whom?".

     "I can't disclose that information to you."

     "I see..."

     "I presume that's why you wished to speak to me. Well. Here you have me." He sighed. "How are the children? Are they alright?"

     "Yes. They know who you are as well. They'd want to meet you, but I don't know if such a thing would be possible, or, em, would it?"

     "Sure, why not? I'm not the tyrannical monster my father was... I loved my sister, Asheera. I wanted to help her, I always made sure she and the children got what they needed. I don't know how she managed to escape, but I'm glad she did... unfortunately, I later found out she had passed away. My father didn't care about her death - he said she deserved it. He was a horrible person", explained the king in a sombre tone.

     "I'm sorry", said Ethan.

     "It's alright. Not wanting to be like him made me become the person I am today. I just wish I could've seen my nephews grow up..."

     "But at least you can meet them now", said Ethan with a comforting smile. "Later I will let you know when you can meet them. They came here with me, they're in the city with my wife at the moment."


     Sunset came over the island, and Ethan was waiting for Uriel in the guest quarters with his family.

     "Are you certain he's coming, Ethan?", asked Anna, sceptic, to her husband in a low voice outside the room, so her sons wouldn't hear her.

     "Yes, dear, he told me so."

     "But you're not certain."

     "I chose to believe him. He seemed sincere enough."

     "Well, I hope you're right. I don't want the boys to be let down. You know how they reacted when I found out what had happened to their mother. I regret telling them now."

     "They were going to find out sooner or later, dear,” commented Ethan. "They've always had the desire to find out where they came from since they've always known it wasn't from us..."

     Anna sighed. He was right.

     As they were to continue their conversation, they saw some Neopets heading their way in the distance - Uriel and some guards. This made the couple go back to the room quickly and alerted the two young men, who were entertained with a puzzle.

     The family of four walked outside, and there they met with the tall Maraquan Eyrie. Uriel looked sincerely pleased to be seeing the twins. "You two have grown so much since I last laid eyes on you", he commented with a smile. "I don't know if you remember me at all. You were very little."

     "You do seem a bit familiar. Vaguely", said Alamar. "It's nice to meet you again after all these years."

     Asriel was tongue-tied. He felt ecstatic. His first reaction was to give the big king a hug, which the latter accepted contently.

     So Uriel and his nephews, as well as Ethan and Anna, talked for a long while that fateful evening. Then it was night, so the Maraquan Eyrie bid goodbye to the family, who went to sleep. Well, at least they should've - but the twins couldn't sleep from the excitement, and Ethan and Anna talked for a bit.

     Ethan began, "Dear, I don't know if, after all these years of our marriage, you have instilled me a certain degree of scepticism in me."

     "Uh-huh", uttered Anna.

     "I'm just curious - how did Uriel know I was to come here with the children? Who told him?" Anna remained silent, but her husband already knew the look in her eyes. "You know, don't you?"

     "Yes, I do. But I was asked to keep it a secret."

     "Why?!," cried Ethan. "Why can't I know?! Sure, I appreciate you keeping your promises, but honestly, I'm concerned about our sons' safety, dear."

     "Me too. But in this case, it didn't come from someone who wishes to harm us. So don't worry. Rest well", she said, then turned off the night light. "Good night."

     "But- Anna-"

     "I said 'good night', Ethan. I'm tired. I'm sure you'll find out sooner than later."

     The Acara snorted in defeat. So he tucked himself in, but couldn't sleep due to overthinking. So, after a while, he rose up and walked outside, to the garden. He sat down on a bench by a fountain and sighed profusely.

     But then he heard someone talk to him-

     "I figured I'd find you here."

     -he jolted, not expecting that. He turned around to see who it was.



     "What are you doing here?"

     The Red Cybunny approached the Acara. "Can we talk?"

     "About?", asked the Acara, a little annoyed.

     Viktor sighed sadly. He knew his brother's sour attitude towards him was partly his fault. "I just want to talk to my little brother. It's been a while." Ethan turned his face away angrily. "Ethan... I'm sorry", Viktor said, his voice breaking a bit. "I know I hurt you and that you hate me for it."

     "I don't hate you, Vik", said Ethan. "I was just... disappointed. You always supported me. But then... when I said I was leaving to travel the world instead of becoming a diplomat... you didn't. And it hurt."

     "I know. I was harsh on you. You had the right to choose who you wanted to be."

     Ethan sighed. "I did. But... I now understand how you felt. You love me. You've always wanted the best for me..."

     "I'm just not good at showing it?", asked Vik.

     "I would've said yes some time ago. But now? You do, in your way. Whilst talking to the nobles, they all told me you always talk about me and my work. Anna told me as well. The children too. So... I guess I'm not mad at you now... I'm mad at myself, for holding a grudge after all these years. I haven't given us the chance to make amends, out of my own pride and stubbornness."

     Viktor felt his eyes water, and Ethan did, too. The Acara then turned to look at him, and rose up to hug him.

     Ethan whispered sincerely, "I love you, Vik."

     "I love you too, Ethan."

     "So...", began Ethan, whilst still holding him in the embrace. "What was it you wanted to talk to me about?"

     "Yes. That. I... told Anna to keep a secret for me... By your face just now, it seems she told you, right?"

     "She told me someone had told her to keep the identity of whoever told Uriel about Alamar and Asriel a secret, but that she couldn't tell me who."

     "Your wife is so loyal. You've truly found a treasure in that woman. To answer your inquiry, yes, it was me who told Uriel."

     "Out of all people, I didn't think it would be you... But, it kind of makes sense."

     "He told me what had happened to his sister years ago, that he had lost nephews he missed dearly. I told him 'Well, what a small world. Your nephews are mine as well'. Hah... And it went from there."

     Ethan chuckled. "You're still full of surprises, Vik. You've changed a lot."

     "I have 'matured', I'd say... Hopefully for the better."

     "Indeed you have, brother."


     On a ship on the way back to the Lost Desert, the family of four conversed about the events that had happened. Well, almost all of them - Alamar was once again seasick. He lay down on the ship floor, Asriel beside him. The Golden Xweetok was looking at the sky, wanting to be home again. Thankfully, Asriel's yapping distracted him a bit.

     "Al, don't you think it's cool?"

     "What, Ace?"

     "That we're of royal blood! Our adoptive dad's a prince, and his brother is a king. Our biological dad is married to the mother of the King of Qasala, so we have a brother and sister who are nobility because of that. Our uncle is also a king! And we have friends who are royalty!"

     "Uh-huh...", uttered Alamar, not feeling talkative because of his motion sickness.

     "I think we're privileged!"

     "Yes, we are."

     "Wouldn't you want to become nobility yourself, and serve in a court?"

     "NO", exclaimed Alamar.

     "Aww, why not?"

     "It sounds boring. If you want to embark in that, you have my full support. I, for my part, want to study engineering or robotics in Virtupets Space Station and build machines to serve people, including the nobles all around Neopia, of course. How's that sound?"

     "It also sounds great!", beamed Asriel.

     "Good. I'm glad you support my silly plan."

     "It's not silly. Believe in yourself! I do!"

     "Thanks, Ace." Alamar felt his stomach turning again. "Ugh. How far are we from home?"

     "We're a couple of miles away from going on an Apis caravan. In the meantime, I'll stay here with you so you don't feel as bad."

     Alamar couldn't help but smile at his brother. He was privileged, yes. Privileged to have him.

     Their parents looked at the ocean from the deck. Anna looked up at her husband, who had gone silent.

     "Are you alright, Ethan?"

     "... yes. I was just thinking about Viktor. I feel bad for holding a grudge at him for so long. I missed so many things."

     "I understand. But it's time to move forward. He wants you to. He loves you more than you realize."

     "I know. I do, as well. I never stopped doing so. I missed my brother."

     "I miss my family, as well. But... I don't know if they miss me", said Anna sadly. "Either way... I'm glad to have you."

     "We do, as well."

     The End.

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