Invisible Paint Brushes rock Circulation: 197,890,914 Issue: 1021 | 15th day of Storing, Y26
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A Crowded Birthday

by supertualet

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When it came time for the group to retire for the night, the Chia was among the weariest Neopets in camp, except for perhaps Skyleur herself, and for a moment Skyleur was worried that the Chia would insist on giving up her bed.

by phadalusfish


The Secret to Apple Bobbing
Ladies, gentlemen, and gentlefolks, I am nothing if not an honest man…” Vandebart intones, committing the words to memory as he enters the Soapbox.

by dragonair23


Gotta Go Fast? Gotta Blast!
Problem-solving at its finest!

by obaraten


A Baby Birthday
How come you are that old already?

by chocokelle

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