Chet Flash wuz here Circulation: 111,440,479 Issue: 193 | 2nd day of Relaxing, Y7
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To Find a Friend

by aimeilee

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Lenny Sack
Lenny Chatter

by ickessler


50 Battledome Items That We Can Be Glad Do Not Exist
"Next thing we know there’s going to be a sloth ray gun which turns your opponent’s weapons into sludge put out there!"

Also by yudyi123

by mirissister


Playing The Part: Part Two
Fluffy shuddered at what happened to Glitter on the stage. The white Aisha wanted nothing but for the day to be over - or better yet, the play...

by precious_katuch14


Wiggle Your Way to Dubloons
There it is, shining away right before your eyes, the avatar of your dreams. Also known as the Smuggler’s Dubloon avatar, you loathe and envy anyone who has it before you...

by plutoplus1

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